Dr. Sullivan

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"Hanna, are you ready to go home?" asked Dr. Sullivan with a smile.

Hanna was barely awake, and she was already tired for the day. She suddenly jolted out of bed when she remembered what she saw written on her desk last night. She needed to know if she was hallucinating or not. She ignored Dr. Sullivan's question and ran over to the desk. And sure enough, the message was still there.

Hanna went pale.

No. No. That can't be real. I was hallucinating.

"Hanna, what's wrong?" Dr. Sullivan asked worriedly.

"You know that 'A' is back, seeing as you listened to my tapes," Hanna paused. "Well, what you don't know is that 'A' did stop by for a visit."

"What are you talking about, Hanna?" Dr. Sullivan asked as she walked over to Hanna.

"Look," Hanna said as she pointed to the writing on the desk.

Dr. Sullivan looked where Hanna was pointing, and then turned her attention back at her. "Hanna, are you sure this wasn't here before?"

Hanna shook her head. "It's not Mona if that's what you're asking."

"I don't think it is Mona. This person referred to you as 'sis' which means it can't be her. Kate's your stepsister, right?"

"She was the first person I thought of when I saw that last night."

"Wait, you saw this last night and didn't tell anyone about it? Hanna, if 'A' was in here, that means they were in here unauthorized."

"I thought I hallucinated seeing it," Hanna answered shyly.

"Hanna... Do you think it could be Kate? I mean she was here at Radley last week. She could've sneaked in here after your session."

"I don't think so. She did seem sincere the other day. Plus, I don't think she even knew about 'A' until she listened to the tapes."

"But if it's not Kate, then who else could it be? Is this 'A' person just messing with you or do you have a long lost sister that you never knew about?"

"Wait, when my mom was here the other day, she said something about things being complicated and that I wouldn't understand and 'now's not the right time.' That was when we were talking about Ali. You don't think my mom was implying that Ali is my sister, do you?"

"Hanna, I honestly don't know. I mean it's possible. Didn't Spencer just recently find out that Jason is her half-brother? Maybe Ali is your sister somehow, and that's really why your mom was so protective of her."

"But would that mean Ali and I have the same parents or just the same mom? And Ali is/was a bitch, but I don't think she's 'A.' This person attacked Ali in her own home. If Ali were 'A,' she wouldn't have someone attack her if no one was around to see it. I mean she would want to convince the rest of us that she wasn't 'A.' It's kind of like when Mona sent herself 'A' messages."

"I think you need to have another session with your mom before she takes you home later. Maybe Ali is your sister, and that's the real reason as to why people mistook you for one another. But you won't know anything until you talk to your mom."

"I guess you're right."

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