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"How could she escape from here, though?" asked Hanna. If she was honest with herself, there were times when she tried to think of ways she could escape from Radley. She was curious to know how her sister did it.

Wherever Charlotte is now, she must be getting a kick out of how the tables have turned. She's spent most of her life at Radley, but now she's the one with complete freedom and I'm the one trapped in this place like a prisoner.

"I honestly don't know Hanna. She was always very smart, too smart for her own good, not like you aren't or anything. But, anyway, if she did escape somehow, I'm sure there would've been a news story about it, which is peculiar," answered Ashley. "Dr. Sullivan, you've been here quite some time, did you ever meet Charlotte?"

"Ashley, I can tell you for a fact that we've never had a patient named Charlotte while I've been here."

"What are you talking about? She's been here for ten years. Surely you've heard of her?" asked a dumbfounded Ashley.

Dr. Sullivan shook her head. "I can check the files for you if you'd like? Charlotte Marin, right?" she asked as she stood up from her chair.

Ashley nodded. "I'll be back, Ashley. Continue without me," Dr. Sullivan said as she exited her office.

"Mom, you said you thought Charlotte could be 'A.' If that's the case, then she is capable of literally anything. She might've changed her name or something and released herself from Radley by hacking into the network. It's something Mona (as 'A') would do."

"Hanna, she was seven years old when we brought her in. The staff (at the time) knew what her name was. It's got to be in the files," said Ashley, uncertainly.

"What if Charlotte did change her name though? I mean theoretically, Dr. Sullivan should be able to find her file by using my birthday, seeing as we're twins."

"True. But like you said, if Charlotte's 'A,' she can do anything. If she changed her name on all her files, then who knows what else she might've changed. She probably changed her birthday too."

"Why would she change her birthday?"

"I don't know, Hanna. I was being facetious."

Dr. Sullivan re-entered the room and took her seat across from Ashley.

Ashley turned to face her. "Well?"

"No one named Charlotte Marin. But I did find a file of a girl whose birthday was listed as March 7th, 1994. There was no picture or any further information, but what are the odds of there being another patient at Radley with the same birthday as Hanna? It has to be Charlotte," answered Dr. Sullivan.

"Why is her birthday the only information you have on her? What happened to the rest of her file?" asked Hanna.

"I honestly don't know, Hanna. But I have a feeling that Charlotte might have had something to do with it..."

"Wait, did that file list the name that Charlotte might have changed hers to?" asked Ashley.

Dr. Sullivan smiled. "It did have a name, it was Cece Drake. Do you know anyone by that name, Hanna?"

Before Hanna could answer the question, everything went black.

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