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Midoriya's POV

I open my eyes and for some reason all I could see was white. It smelt strongly of dollar store hand sanitizer and lemon scented moist towelettes. I look around a bit to get a scence of where i am. After seeing that i was in a hospital like bed surrounded by medical tool i came to the conclution that i was in recovery girls office, the school nurse. Thats when everything came back to me.


I was holding onto Todoroki for dear life crying hysterically into his chest. He was so warm, it felt like nothing can go wrong if we don't move. 'Wait, what am i doing.' I pulled away almost instantly while wiping my tears. 'What was i thinking, why was i hugging him?'

"Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry." I had repeated that so many times i was just so embarrassed so my immediate reaction was to run like i always have. It was one of the only things that i had been good at since i was a kid. Running. I kept running, i was going to run until i couldn't anymore. But then i hit into something, no, someone.

"OI, SHITTY DEKU STILL THE SAME CRY BABY SINCE WE WERE KIDS! 'Oh no, Kacchan ever since we were kids Kacchan would bully me. Even now he still bullies me. But that doesn't matter i just have to find a way to get out of here before this becomes any worse.'

"Kacchan I'm not a cry baby and would you please just let me through." I said in a voice trying to not let any more tears fall.

"NOT A CRY BABY MY ASS! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, GO RUN AWAY JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAVE!" I hated it coming from his mouth. Sure i agree with him, i always have run away but i cant stand to hear him say it. I got mad, after hearing him say that, all that happened from then on was pure anger taking over.

"What, your just jealous that i have a quirk now aren't you." That was the worst mistake of my life and i realised it the second it came out of my mouth. Kacchan was angry, angrier that i think i have ever seen him. This was bad, REALLY BAD.

"DEKU...DIE YOU SHITTY NERD!!!" He came at me his hands both shooting explosions everywhere. I ran, ran as fast as i could possibly go but that wasn't very far due to Kacchan blocking the only exit. I looked away hoping it would all just stop but boy was i wrong. I felt my entire body covered in explosions and i screamed as loud as i possibly could then it all went black.

(End is flashback)

I tried to sit up but the second i moved i was immediately forced back down by a sharp pain shooting through my body causing me to wince. Then i noticed a small warmth on my hand. I looked over and saw another hand gripping tightly onto mine and a little farther away the red and white haired boy, what was his name, Todoroki. He had fallen asleep with his head laying next to me on the bed. As i saw this i could feel my face getting really hot and i tried to hide under the blanket. The weird part was, was that i didn't want it to end. I wanted to feel the warmth of his hand on top of mine forever. That forever had ended quickly because he had started to wake up. As he woke up i watched as his heterochronic darted back and forth between me and our hands before his face turned a bright shade or red and pulled his hand away. I wanted to grab onto it before he pulled it back but i didn't.  He held his head down trying to hide the bright red of his face hoping I wouldn't notice.

"How are you feeling? You got beat up pretty bad earlier." He asked me in a concerned voice. "Yeah, sorta it hurts a lot though. WAIT! What time is it? Did classes already end." I guess I started mumbling about missing classes because I heard Todoroki start to chuckle which was surprising due to the fact that I don't think I have ever seen him smile. I don't know what it is but something about his smile makes my heart race faster and faster. I start to apologize for my mumbling but he laughs even harder at that.

"What's so funny?" I started to complain.

"Its just the fact that you are more worried about missing classes than you are about the whole situation that went down during lunch and that you literally apologize for everything that you do I guess I just find it a little funny, I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." He said explaining and apologizing while scratching the back of his neck.

"Whos the one apologizing now." I said with a smirk. He smiled even brighter and I swear I saw his eyes sparkle a little even if it was for only a few seconds I swear it was there. That's when recovery girl walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt you two but visiting hours are over so you must go home Todoroki you can come back tomorrow, I still need to finish healing the rest of Midoriya's wounds."

"Yes ma'am" Todoroki responded as I watched him stand up and bow to her. "Bye Midoriya, I'll see you tomorrow." He said and then walked out the door.

"Bye" I said back as he shut the door behind him.

"So Midoriya, I just contacted your mom and told her the whole situation and that you will be staying here for the night. I'm gonna give you a quick tip, don't get into fights especially on the first day unless you want to get expelled."

"yes ma'am" I said in an embarrassed tone. Recovery girl gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and immediately I could feel my eyes slowly shut from exhaustion. I let the darkness consume me hoping that I would finally be able to get a decent sleep tonight. I don't think I have gotten a decent sleep since I was 4.

(The next morning)

I woke up screaming, I sat up heavily breathing and cold sweats dripping off of me as if I had watched someone get murdered right in front of me.


A.N. ~ So this one is a little bit longer than the rest but whatever. Its probably like really cringy but we are just going to go with it anyways and hope for the best. So yeah this ended on sorta a cliffhanger so like yeah I guess you will just have to find out what happens in the next chapter hehe. Just a disclaimer I don't hate bakugo he is one of my favorite characters and eventually we will learn a little more about things from his perspective so get excited for that and he isn't just the mean jerk that he sounds like in this chapter that was just to keep it moving for a little so like yeah. I really hope you enjoy this and will continue to read as I post. (OMG THIS IS OVER A THOUSAND WORDS AND THATS A FIRST FOR ME SO IM LIKE SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!!!!!) So yee ill see y'all next chapter I guess, bye.

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