Daughter of

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"Daughter of Mischief?" Odin said, raising one of his hairy eyebrows.

Jenny nods.

"What my mum told me." Jenny said, twisting a lock of her curly hair in a knot. "Before she had died."

Jenny had found her way to Asgard, in some unknown form of circumstance. All Jenny had said was 'the golden retriever lead me here' as a explanation.It had been a few years since someone living among the mortal population had found their way to Asgard without being guided or retrieved via the Bifrost. Jenny did have a last name.Except most people would find it; strange.

"And did she tell you about not being your mother?" Odin asks as his eyebrow settles down. He is leaning to his left against the long golden item resembling a spear with two items on the top.

Jenny stops twisting her knot of hair.

"E-Excuse me?" Jenny asks, puzzled.

"She didn't tell you the full story." Odin remarks.

"My mum told me they first met on a full moon at a gorgeous hotel." Jenny said. "And the rest is history." Her eyes sparkled the mention of history. "In the town; that is."

"Your real mother was not human." Odin said. "She was of an Asgardian heritage. And what else did she say about your father?"

"That he was a Norse god." Jenny said, with a shrug. "I didn't bother checking it out. Being 102 years old and all, at this time.  .  ." She pauses for a moment. Why is he saying my mother is not human?, Jenny asks herself. Her eyes darted at both sides of the room.It's not as though "It was put on the back burner."

"You put it on a machine that burned backs." Odin said. "I thought Midgard could not come up with more--"

"Dumb movies." Jenny finishes for him."They do."Jenny narrows her eyes at Odin.The doors leading to the room are swiftly shut. There were no guards in the room. "She was human, and, my real mother."

"Not true." Odin said.

Jenny's eyes dart  briefly to both sides of the room. No guards?, Jenny thought a tad bit confused, This entire grand piano castle has a buttload of guards but not here. She briefly bit on her lip. A habit that she had developed over the previous one hundred years. 

"You're planning something." Jenny said.

Odin laughs a little.

"How can you tell?" Odin asks.

A smile grew to the edge of Jenny's face.

"No guards, no guests, no queen." Jenny said, gesturing to the almost empty room.  "It seems kind of  .  . . boring." She swipes at the yellow reflective table. "It's as though I'm staring at a fake personality built off King Arthur's glorious fables."

"Nice deduction." Odin said. "But it was built long before 'King Arthur'."

"Hm?" Jenny said, raising one of her eyebrow's. 

"Asgard has been here since the beginning of Midgard." Odin said, with one hand sliding on the table.

As viewers; we can see a green glow from Odin's eyes. Did his eyes just twinkle?,Jenny thought startled by the unusual glow. Her face looks perplexed in all accounts. Jenny seems far confused by Odin's eyes than her unusual situation. 

"Oh really." Jenny said.

"Yes." Odin said, nodding.

"And I suppose you want to know my last name." Jenny said, folding her arms. "It's Jenny Jogers."

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