viii. TODDY

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todd ( toddy )
scott ( scooter)

how'd she take the news?


kenz. you told her right? i mean you were all ready to confess your undying love last night.

i- what
are u sure that was me? maybe it was zane?

i was drunk. but not that drunk that i'd forget u ranting to me.
where are you?

well i woke up at kenzie's house but she wasn't here so i ubered back to my house

well, hope you ended being a little bitch and not telling her. but unlikely with all the alcohol in your system last night.

wtf todd!!
this isn't funny
you know how sensitive i am about you and kenzie!!

what are you talking about!?

i just woke up to your long ass voicemail saying you're in love with kenzie!! wtf is wrong with you?? did you actually mean it?

when did i leave you a voicemail?

4 am! now answer the question
do you have feelings for kenzie

what i never left you a voicemail?
i think you're confused

i don't think so. "kenzie's so pretty, how could i not love her?" stfu todd. you know what i'm talking about!!

whatever i said last night i clearly didn't mean! i love you corinna

i can't believe you anymore. you're obviously in love with kenzie. and deep down i know she feels the same way

how many times do i have to tell you.. corinna i'm in love with you. kenzie is nothing more than a friends to me. i've been dating you for a year now, isn't that proof enough that i love you? why can't you just trust me.

i did trust you todd. no matter how many stupid fan edits of you and kenzie there were, or how much time you spent with her. i know i seemed jealous some times but i knew i could always trust you, because you did pick me. but after the voicemail you left me, it's clear you wished you were kenzie.

i'm not sure what to say anymore corinna. you know i love you but, i do love kenzie. like in love with her...

at least you're finally accepting it.
it's fine no one, not even you can control how you fee about her. i know you do love and care about me. there's no doubt about it but, you want her and i'm okay with it. neither of us are happy in our relationship. and if we would've went any longer we would've hated each other

i do love you corinna, so much. i know we are breaking up right now and i hate that it's over text but we do need some time before we can see each other again. thank you for understanding

please just promise me you won't do anything to hurt kenzie. i don't want her to feel like how i am right now

i would never

a/n lol i'm back!!!!! and lowkey forgot about this story... anyways uh i met todd & some others!!!! so basically i was feeling inspired to write :)))

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