Chapter 6

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Let’s just say that the train ride to Clover was absolutely horrible. Dragon slayers naturally get motion sickness, which is exactly why I walked all the way to Magnolia. I was just glad I wasn’t suffering alone; Natsu was curled up in a ball, just like I was, holding his stomach while his lunch threatened to make a second appearance.

The whole team and I rode the train for several hours, although it felt like days to me because of the gut-wrenching pain. When we arrived, I looked once again at the job request. We were to go to a wealthy man’s estate to see about an infestation problem he was having no luck in dealing with. The reward was 200,000 jewel so everyone was excited about what seemed like a quick and easy job, especially Lucy. Even though I love her like a sister, she could be annoying sometimes because of the amount of complaining she did about her rent each month.

When we arrived at the estate, the door swung open before Gray could even knock. There was a small man standing in front of us who had on a black suit that looked a little too tight on him. His face was bright red and he was panting like he’d just run a marathon. “Thank goodness you’re here.” he barely managed to say. “What’s happening?” Gray asked hesitantly, he clearly was conflicted about whether or not he wanted to know the answer.

“Please come in and see for yourselves!” the man snapped as he left us in the doorway. Erza was the first to enter, then Natsu and Gray. Lucy and I looked at each other and I shrugged. After we all were standing in the main living room, we suddenly saw what was overrunning the poor man’s house.

“Ew! Slugs!” Lucy shrieked. There were giant green-ish yellow slugs everywhere, even on the ceilings and walls. Sticky mucus was coating every surface and I saw Lucy’s face turn green as she took in the grotesque sight. “We’re supposed to get rid of all this?” Gray asked, obviously having mixed feelings about the job.

I suddenly felt horrible, I had picked the job and now we were stuck trying to figure out a way to get rid of all the slugs without completely destroying everything. Natsu was the first to come up with an idea, “Why can’t I just burn them all to a crisp?” “We can’t do that without causing significant damage to the estate.” Erza replied, slumping her shoulders slightly with disappointment. “Maybe we can…” I thought out loud.

My Mysterious Savior [A Fairy Tail FanFic] Laxus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now