Chapter 19

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*Claire's POV*

Laxus just said he loves me... I was on cloud 9 and nothing could bring me down. I was surprised by my own actions, I'm not good at this romantic stuff. He gave me a big stupid smile and I couldn't help laughing but then I got a splitting headache. Laxus lifted his head, "You're burning up Claire!" But I felt so cold...

"Tell me, what do you need me to do?" he asked, voice full of concern. I hated having him see me like this but there was nowhere else I'd rather be. I buried my face in his shirt and became embarrassed. "I know what would make me feel a lot better, but it's embarrassing..." I could feel my face heat up, whether I was blushing or it was I fever, I don't know.

He stroked my hair soothingly and said, "You don't have to be embarrassed around me Claire. I love you." His chin rested on the top of my head. I gulped, took a deep breath, and quietly said, "A warm bath would be really nice." "Ok." was all he said before he picked me up.

I felt his muscles tighten as he carried me to the bathroom. Nervousness filled my body but I desperately tried to push it away. As I was caught up in thinking, I hadn't noticed when we entered the bathroom. He set me down so I could stand but still kept a tight grip on my waist.

The tile under my feet made me shiver. There was a good-sized shower nestled in a corner and the bathtub was by itself up against one of the walls. It was the biggest tub I'd ever seen. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. Laxus was quite tall and very muscular, he wouldn't fit comfortably in a regular-sized one.

I started walking towards the tub. I needed to rely heavily on Laxus for support and when we had made our way over, I sat down on the edge. He released his hold on me and turned on the water. I put my fingers under the flowing water. "Mmm perfect." I say, then i looked at the soap bottle next to me.

The bottle was body wash and I tried to reach for it. It was a little too far and I didn't want to fall in. I pouted and heard him laugh at me. He reached for the bottle and handed it to me. I clicked open the top and caught the scent that was intoxicating to me, it was the exact same smell that always surrounded him.

Laxus was watching me, no doubt amused at my actions. I looked at him pointing to the bottle, and when he nodded, I poured some of the soap into the rising water. After not too long, the bath was full and there was a thick layer of bubbles on the surface. Laxus stepped out for a moment and returned holding a fresh t-shirt and some towels. After setting them next to the bath, he turned towards the door and started to leave.

"Please don't leave." I say as I once again felt blood rush to my face. "Are you sure?" he asked after turning around. I nodded my head and he closed the door before walking back to me.

I was still sitting on the edge of the tub and I stood up when Laxus reached me. Putting my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, I gain a sense of balance and put my arms to my sides.

Slowly, I turned around and reached down to the hem of the shirt I had on. I pulled it over my head and let it drop to the floor.

*Laxus' POV*

She turned her back to me and I watched her carefully to make sure she didn't lose her balance. I knew this was coming but I wasn't prepared. The fabric of the shirt hanging loosely on her body slid up and over her head. Claire stood in front me in her bra and panties.

Looking over her shoulder she said nervously, "C-Can I have some help?" I shook various thoughts from my head "Y-Yeah, what do you need?" Put your hands on my waist so I can get out of these without hurting myself. Please?" I saw her blushing and nodded, placing my hands on her waist. "Like this?" She nodded and reached behind her to undo her bra.

*Claire's POV*

Laxus placed his calloused hands on my waist. The contact of bare skin made a shiver go down my spine. I reached behind me and started trying to undo my bra. When it released, it felt good to not have my breasts confined anymore. His fingers drug into my sides as I let the bra land on top of my discarded shirt. This is going to be difficult, I'm glad I he's holding me up... I thought as I reached towards my panties.

I knew he was watching my every move but I wasn't nervous anymore, I felt relaxed. My thumbs hooked underneath both sides and pulled down. I let them fall and I stepped out of them. I heard a gasp/groan and I smirked. My body did feel better and my urges came back full force.

My Mysterious Savior [A Fairy Tail FanFic] Laxus x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt