Chapter 9

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After the Queen had talked to all of the Exceeds, there was one in particular that caught my eye. She was a gorgeous shade of dark purple with white paws, and she was flying in my direction. “You must be Claire, the new dragon slayer at Fairy Tail.” She said as she landed in front of me. “I’m Emmi, it’s nice to meet you.” Emmi smiled up at me, “I’d really like to join you in Fairy Tail!” I gave her a big smile and knelt down so I could be eye level with her. She looked slightly taller than the other exceeds which was one of the things I liked about her. “And why would you like to come with me Emmi?” I questioned her. “I’ve always wanted to go on adventures and you seem like an amazing wizard so why not?!” she replied before I swept her up into a big hug.

She seemed shocked at first but then hugged me back and we started giggling together. Happy cheered as I gently set Emmi back down, Natsu smiled and said, “Looks like you’ve found your match.” ‘Yeah I guess I have.’ Emmi seemed like the perfect Exceed for me. She was so upbeat and constantly smiling, I could instantly tell that we were going to be best friends.

After saying goodbye to everyone that I’d met, I thanked the Queen for letting Emmi come live with me. Then, we started back to the guild, Emmi and I talked nonstop the whole way there. We told each other things like our favorite foods, pet peeves, hobbies, and much more. My new Exceed and I had so much in common I thought it must’ve been fate that we met.

When we arrived at the guild hall, I looked down at Emmi and saw she had a nervous look in her eyes, even though she had a perfectly calm demeanor. I put her hand in mine, gave her a reassuring smile, and said, “It’s alright, you’re part of the family now.” She smiled and took a deep breath, “Let’s go!” she said, as she pulled me towards the door. I chuckled and helped her push open the large wooden door.

I brought Emmi to the bar and introduced her to Mira and Lisanna. “She’s so cute!” they exclaimed when we sat down. “Girls, this is Emmi. She’s the newest member of Fairy Tail and my Exceed.” My smile grew when Mira said, “Welcome to the family Emmi!”

As Emmi met more and more of her new guild mates, she seemed more at ease. I was then planning on introducing her to Pantherlily and Gajeel, but I couldn't seem to find them. 'Oh well, I guess they're on a job so I'll just introduce Emmi when they get back.'

Mira then came walking over to us with the guild mark stamp in her hand. "Ok Emmi, where would you like your guild mark, and what color would you like?" Emmi thought it over for a moment and said, "I'd like the same color as Claire and please place it on my back." After Mira gave Emmi her mark, Emmi hugged me and said, "Now we're truly teammates!" I gave her a kind smile, "Now let's get you settled into your new home."

*A few days later*

It didn't take long for Emmi to move into Fairy Hills with me, since she didn't have much with her and I had been so excited to get an Exceed, I had already bought a small bed and dresser. Luckily, the bed was the perfect size for her and she loved the dresser I had picked out, which just so happened to match the color of her fur.

We were at the guild hall for breakfast one morning when the doors loudly opened. I was too engrossed in eating my delicious scrambled eggs and sausage that Mira had made to even notice that everyone had gone completely silent. After I ate the last bite of my breakfast, a large body plopped down next to me. I paid no attention to them and quietly drank my glass of creamy chocolate milk. That's when I heard his voice, "I'll have what she's having Mira."

I started choking on my milk and Emmi, who was sitting on the other side of me, patted my back to help me clear my throat. "Are you ok?" I heard the man next to me ask. I swear, in that moment, my heart stopped. Slowly turning my head to the stranger next to me, I realized,

'That's him. That's my savior!'

My Mysterious Savior [A Fairy Tail FanFic] Laxus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now