Chapter One

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"Michael! I can't see you!" I began to sob, it was very dark in here all I could see was my shadow cackling at me. Everything was dark and gloomy.

I couldn't see where Mikey was at, nor could I move. I was trapped in a dark room.

"Hazel?" Someone whispered into my ear, a very tall muscular person. I turned around.

"LUKE!" Behind him I could see Ashton tying Mikey up. He was bleeding profusely it looked like he was in a deep sleep to.This couldn't be happening, why me? "Please I beg you leave him alone!" I started crying again.

"Shut up you bastard!" I felt a sting pain across my cheek, Luke slapped me. "L-Luke I thought y-you were my friend!?"

"Not until you started dating this filthy dog!"

It's true ever since I started hanging out with Mikey and Calum I started getting filthy looks from Luke and Ashton.


"Yes Hazel! Your dear boyfriend is a Ware wolf!"

"No that's not true! You're lying get away from me Luke you're drunk!" I pushed him out of my way, well at least I thought. He grabbed me again with so much strength no other person had.

"Hazel I think it's time you knew the truth."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I'm, we'll not only me there is more of us-"

"More of what!" There was a stinging pain in my stomach.

"Will you let me finish!" He glared at me, I didn't say anything but glared back. "

"I'm a vampire."

Everything was swarming through my head. A vampire this was a prank vampires didn't exist... Or did they?

(A/N) hey guys so this is my first fanfic should I do part 2 or nah? I know I suck at this but I wanted to try it out. Oh and while reading this fanfic you guys should really hear the song daylight-5sos thanks bye xx

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