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This story begins in the small house of the Cimorelli's, there you will find the family of 13, that's right Lynne and Micheal Cimorelli had 11 children. They had 5 boys and 6 girls, Michael Jr (21) Christina (19) Katherine (19)  Lisa (18) Amy (17) Alex (16) Lauren (16) Dani (14) Christian (13) Nick (12) Joey (10). Michael Cimorelli was a powerful wizard in his youth, set to achieve greatness but threw it all away when he met the love of his life, Lynne, who was a muggle. Most of their children discovered that they were wizards. The wizards of the children were Michael Jr, Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Alex, Lauren, and Dani.  Although at one point everyone thought that Lauren wouldn't be a wizard, but she was just a late bloomer. They are all still enrolled in Hogwarts except for Michael Jr who has taken up a job as a Wandmaker, and Christina and Katherine became professors at Hogwarts following their graduation. Lisa is a seventh year, Amy is a sixth year, Alex and Lauren are fifth years, andDani is a third year. The Hufflepuffs were Amy and Katherine, the Ravenclaws were Michael, Lisa, and Dani, and the Griffyndors were Christina, Lauren, and Alex. (Just in case not everyone knew females are witches and males are wizards when referring to only the females the word "witches" is used but when a male is amongst them the word "wizards is used")

Now to get on with the story...

"MOM!DAD!" yelled one of the 11 children scrambling around the crowded house.

"What is it now Lauren?" Their dad asked her, as Lauren handed him a snapped wand.

"Dani and Nick got a hold of my stuff again and broke my wand." Lauren stated in an annoyed tone.

"Really again? This is like your fifth wand, DANI! NICK! GET OVER HERE!" Lynne yelled and two teens came running in not wanting to upset their mother even more.

"Umm yes mother?" Dani asked nervously.

"What did you do with Lauren's wand this time?" Lynne said unamused with her two children's repetitive behavior.

"Well, you see, I had this really bad itch and I couldn't get it, so I asked Dani if she could get it, but she said no, so I saw Lauren's wand just sitting on her desk and used it. Then Dani saw me using it, and she wanted to try it to then we started fighting over it and accidentally snapped it." Nick explained.

"You used my wand to scratch your back." Lauren said disgusted.

"Dani, Nick your both grounded for a week, and if I ever hear of you guys touching your sister's stuff again I'll let her choose the punishment." Their dad said and they ran off quickly.

"Mom, Dad what am I going to do? School starts next week, if I don't have my wand I'll be so behind." Lauren said frantically, the thought of being behind scared her, since she was always top of the class, and after having tons of siblings ahead of her, she had a lot of expectations to reach.

"Don't worry sweetie, why don't you and Alex go down to diagon alley, and pay Michael a visit, and he'll get you a new wand, ok?" Her dad said as he gave her some money.

"Ok Thanks mom and dad!" Lauren said happily as she rushed to find her twin.

(Ok what I didn't mention earlier was that Christina and Katherine are twins and so are Alex and Lauren, but they were born on different days, so like Christina was born late on August 12th Katherine was early on the 13th, and a couple years later Alex was born late on August 11th and Lauren was early on the 12th, I made it like this so a bunch of them would still be at Hogwarts together and to keep Christina and Lauren's birthday on the same day)

"Hey Alex could you come with me to diagon alley, I need to get a new wand mine is broken." she asked him.

"Sure, and let me guess Dani and Nick?" Alex predicted

"Haha yeah they used it as a back scratcher." Lauren said cringing at the idea.

"Ew gross." He said laughing.

"Yeah tell me about."She said back.

At Diagon Alley

"Ok so all I have to do is get a new wand do you need anything?" Lauren asked her brother.

"No I think I'm good Laur, let's just head home and start packing when we're done."  Alex suggested as they walked into their eldest brother's shop.

"Ahh what do we have here? Are you guys just visiting me for fun, or did Dani and Nick break Lauren's wand again?" Michael asked amusingly.

"Haha very funny, but yes I need another wand." Lauren said

"Come to think of it, why do they always break your wand?" Alex asked

"I have no idea." Lauren said, "it's really not fair."

"It may not be good for you, but it's definitely good for my business." Michael laughed," I'll go get  the same styled wand you had before."

"Ugh I can't wait until I can just go one year without getting a new wand." Lauren groaned.

"Oh right you've gotten a wand literally every single year." Alex laughed and Micheal returned.

" Ok Lauren here is your wand, Alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 11" and reasonably supple flexibility. Give it a wave." Michael instructed as she waved the wand. Unexpectedly most of the drawers in the shop flew open.

"huh that's weird." Michael said taking the wand back and looking for another wand

"I've always used that style wand." Lauren said confused

"Maybe you just outgrew it." Alex shrugged

"Here try this one" Michael said as he handed her another wand, " This is willow wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 1/4", this should be it." Lauren waved it once more and once again things went flying.

"Woah." Lauren said as she quickly handed the wand back to her brother.

"This is unbelievable." Michael said as he went to look once more.

"This is so weird" Alex said to his sister.

"Yeah I've never had a wand not work for me." Lauren said

"Maybe it's because your other wands never last so you're not really connected to these wands as much."  Alex inquired.

"That makes sense." Lauren nodded

Michael was in the back digging through wands, trying to find the one fit for his sister, while he was scrambling he looked at one wand that was sitting in a glass box on the counter. He walked towards it and picked it up.

"Maybe, just maybe." He thought as he returned to his siblings with the special wand.

"Ok here is a 10 3/4" vine wood with a phoenix feather core" Michael said as he took it out of the box and handed it to her stepping back incase something happened. Lauren waved the wand and suddenly everything in the shop went back to the way it was.

"That felt really powerful." Lauren said unsure if she was meant to wield the wand.

"Yeah it is and trust me it's yours." Michael said, "don't worry about paying for it, go home and start packing tell the family I love them ok?"

"Ok see ya later Michael." Alex said as Lauren and himself  left the store to return home.

Cimorelli in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now