Chapter 3

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|Kamryn's POV|

I can't believe this. I hate everything in life that has ever existed. How the fuck did I sleep through my alarm? I should be in school right now in 2nd period. Oh well I might as well just skip today since I have already missed so much.

Might as well work on my project as well to get it over with.

Wow just great just great

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Wow just great just great. I slept for 4 hours while working on the project. That is atrocious.

M: Hey so like can I come
over so I could help with
the project?

K: Uh yeah sure I guess

M: What is your address?

K: It's 63828 Notreal Street

M: Ok thanks. I will be
coming over in 2 hours.

K: No problem

Great now I need to clean the house a bit before Michael comes over.

(A/N: Thanks to my sister for helping me make this J-Hype sign picture) // (Along with this, I will now be using pictures of him holding different signs for the rest of my story

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(A/N: Thanks to my sister for helping me make this J-Hype sign picture) // (Along with this, I will now be using pictures of him holding different signs for the rest of my story.)

~Ding Dong~

I go to open the door and see that Michael is standing there with a friend I am guessing. I think I have seen him hanging out with him. Think his name is Brandon or something like that.

"Hey Kamryn sorry but my friend Brady here wanted to come here with me. Is that ok?"

"Yea it's totally fine." I say with a bit of sarcasm

"Oh um ok thanks!"

"Ok so let's go over to the living room to work on the project."


"Brady could watch us if he wants or he could watch some Netflix if he wants."


You Were Good To Me |Conor Smith| DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now