Chapter 28

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|Kamryn's POV|

Why can't I see anything? Why can I hear people but not see them? Am I in heaven? Did I die?

I try to move but my body is stiff and still. I can hear people talking to each other.

"She is alright. She survived the crash! She will be in a coma now though so you can get her friends to visit her." I hear people which I assume are doctors say.

Soon the whole room is silent and I can only hear the heart monitor going. A few minutes pass until I can hear the door open and close.

Immediately I hear people crying and soon I feel a presence on top of me. The person hugs me and starts to cry.

"Oh Kamryn I am glad you are alive! We were all so worried about you!" I immediately recognize the voice which made me happy that Nicole was here.

"The other guys are here and Conor is in here too. We were so worried about you and I am so glad you made it out alive!" Nicole whispered while bursting out into more tears.

Nicole kept on whispering to me about how everybody is doing and saying that she was glad I was still alive. Soon though she finished talking to me and hugging me.

"Oh I forgot you were here to see her too. Here I will leave you here with her for now and I will make sure to tell the others to not come in here yet." Nicole had said.

The door had been opened and closed which made me confirm that she wasn't here anymore.

A minute passed by until I hear a chair being moved towards me and someone's hand holding mines.

"I know that you can't here me so I would like to confess some things. You are such a great person Kamryn. You have been there for me when I needed somebody. I am so thankful that you stuck with me even in my bad times. For all those reasons, I would like to say that I love you Kamryn Noelle Wright. You have brought me so much happiness in my life since I first met you until now. I do wish I was with you and made you stay with me so you wouldn't have to be here right now. I should be here right now and not you. You don't deserve all this pain because of that one guys bad decision of drunk driving at 7:30 in the morning. I hope you get out of this coma soon because everyone here including me are worried about you Kamryn. I wish you all the best and remember I love you." I hear Conor say while his tears go on my shirt.

"I am here Conor! I can hear you! I love you too Conor!" I try to yell out while sleeping to move but my body won't allow me to.

I start feeling his hands leave mine and I try to grab them back but my body won't let me. I start hearing his footsteps leave the room but I try to run after him. To tell him that I love him. To be with him because he makes me truly happy.

"Please don't leave! I am here! I am here..." I say as I hear the door close leaving me alone in the room once again.

I start crying more and more. I want them to know that I can hear them! I want Conor to know that I love him too! Why can't I?! I blame myself for this happening. If I would have seen the car coming I could have ran before it even came close to me. I could've been safe.

I hear the door open and close again. This time I hear gasps and crying. I feel another presence near me and this time it is Sergio.

"Hey Kamryn. I hope you are doing well considering you just got hit by a drunk driver a few hours ago. I am here with Brady so he would be talking to you next but because he is here, I am whispering to you right now. I just hope that hopefully you would wake up from your coma soon because we all miss you. I was extremely scared when we got the news from Brady this morning that you got hit by a drunk driver on your way to school. We all hope that you will get better soon and hopefully nothing bad happens anytime soon. We all wish you the best and I am glad to have been your friend." I hear Sergio say which makes me sob even more and mad that I can't tell them that I can hear them.

I hear the door open and close again which made me sad that I couldn't run to Sergio and hug him and tell him that I am fine.

Another presence comes near me but before the person could do anything, I start blanking out once again. I can hear them running one moment but then the next I can't hear anything. Soon though I blank out once again.


I wake up again to total darkness once more and I can hear once again. I try to move but once again I can't which makes me mad.

"She's alive! Tell her friends and parents that they can see her again!" I hear people say.

I hear the people leave the room once more leaving me alone before one of my friends see me again.

I hear the door open and close again. I hear the person move the chair and hold my hands. I recognize it as Conor and I try to move and talk to him but my body wouldn't allow me to once again.

"Hey Kamryn! I am so glad that you made it out alive from that surgery procedure. The doctor said that you only had a 10% chance of survival and you made it! You are such a big fighter and I am glad that you made it. I hope nothing bad happens anytime soon and while you are in here in your coma, I will be at the house taking care of Daisy for you. I am glad that you made it and now it is just a waiting game to see when you will wake up. I hope you wake up soon though so I could confess my love to you when you are awake. I will always visit you everyday to talk to you about my day and how you are doing so far as well. I can't wait until you wake up so we can all hang out like before. I need to go now since I have school tomorrow so just remember I love you. Also your parents are here to see you!" I hear Conor say which makes me glad that I was able to survive that surgery too.

I hear him once again open and close the door which makes me mad that I can't express my feelings towards him. It is hard and I wish I could tell him that I am fine, that I can hear them, that I love him too.


A/N: Hello guys! I decided to make this chapter dedicated to show how Kamryn's feeling about this whole situation. What is her thought process through all this. Next chapter will probably be her parents and Conor's POV. I am thankful for all the reads I keep on getting and everyone who has voted for this book. Thank you and see you next time! Byeeeeeeeee!!

-Trash •_•

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