Ending #1 (girl x girl)

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-- Y/n, asks a young lady about your age.

She's wearing glasses and a brown leather jacket. She's holding a huge golden retriever on a leash. Damn it is she Tom?! You shake your head and look at her again. No, it's just a coincidence, she must be someone from work or from school.

-- Yes, you answer. Excuse me but do I know you?

She smiles shyly. Her tanned skin and her accent tells you she's probably Indian or Pakistani. She looks...just normal, not super pretty but not ugly neither, and she dresses casually, you know, not the kind of girl people turn around on the street. Just like you.

-- We do, she says softly.

You meet her eyes and time froze. You'd recognise those deep brown eyes anywhere...

You stand up hastily, not really sure if you want to runaway or stay. She lifts her hand like she wants to catches you but stops before doing so.

-- I promised you I'd let you leave if you wanted to, she says looking down at her feet. But...can you please just hear me out?

She looks at you again, with pleading eyes, and you can't move. You can't even think!

-- I'm sorry I didn't told you I was-...I was so afraid you'd run away. We talked online before, you know.

You look at her startled. What is she talking about?

-- The group chat on Instagram, she explains. I'm-...I'm the one who told you about the pub.

-- So this was what? A trap or something?!

-- No! I mean...Yes maybe...I just wanted to get to know better. I tried to catch your attention with comments on your posts or by sending you DMs but you never really acted like you were interested in talking to me about anything else than Tom...

" So I tried a different way. I used him to-...

-- To lure me, I think that's the word you're seeking, you say bitterly.

She looks really sorry and scared and you're not sure why you're still here. You think you want to hear the end of it?

-- Maybe...I already liked you, you know. I thought you were pretty on your selfies and- I think you're pretty even without the skintune filters you know? And...I don't know it's just in what you say online, about life, about you...I felt draw to you.

" I wasn't expecting this to go this far. I thought I'd told you earlier but...I really fell in love with you. And I could see you were falling for me too. For him...And I liked it. I was afraid it'll stop if I told you. But I'm sick of lying to you! And I want to know if-

Your eyes meet and she swallows hard. You can feel yourself being pulled in her gaze even though you're mad at her. You can't help but think that it makes more sense actually. Tom was so kind and sensible. Not that you don't think boys can be like that but...Also, he was so good in pleasuring you. Or she was. Damn it this is so confusing!

-- I love you, she whispers still looking right at you.

-- You should have told me earlier, you say.

-- I'm sorry...

-- You...

But you don't know what you want anymore. Because when she looks at you like that, you're back in the fancy house. You're back at kissing her. Him. Whatever.

-- Was everything you told me about you a lie, you eventually manage to ask.

-- Actually no, she chuckles slightly.

I do have a lot of things in common with Tom Holland. My friends call me Tom because my initials are T.O.M., but my name is Tahmina. I live in London, I have 3 little brothers and I love dogs. I really went hiking in the desert once with my family and...yeah, pretty much everything I told you is true.

-- Except the part where you're a girl.

-- Yeah...Except that, she sighs, breaking eye contact.

You stay silent, both looking at her dog who seems to find the smell of your shoes intriguing.

-- I don't expect us to-, she starts but trails off...I don't know what I expect actually. But do you think you could give me a chance?

-- How do you know I like girls anyway, you ask quietly.

-- You said it once...Or at least you implied it and I was hoping that I got it right.

You lift your eyes up and find hers. You've never had a real thing with a girl before and this still feels like she tricked you. But you fell for those eyes, and you can't help but feel like falling again now...

-- Okay, you say, let's just...take a walk and see where this goes.

She smiles bright and nod.

-- I'm not promising anything, you warn her.

-- It's okay.

And she kisses you. She kisses you! And you know what? The fireworks are there...

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