Ending #2 (girl x Tom Holland)

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You hear your name but you can't move, you can't speak. You can't even breath. Because that is Tom Holland standing in front of you. For real. Tom freaking Holland!

-- I told you I wasn't pretending, he smirks.

You feel something brushing on your ankles and of course, that's Tessa. But how can this be real?! You forgot to take out the sync pod right? That's the only explanation to what's happening!

-- Can I sit with you, Ton asks.

Your brain is still frozen and you just stare. He hesitates and eventually sits.

-- I really tried to tell you, he said. But you always thought I was joking...

You shake your head and try to straighten yourself.

-- This is crazy, you whisper.

-- Yeah, he chuckles.

You stay silents, both looking in the far, Tessa sitting between you two. You want to scream, to run, to jump at his neck, all at the same time and this is way too much for you!

-- I must say, I'm surprised too, he says. You pretty much look like your avatar.

You wince. If you forget the boyish haircut, the acne you can't seem to get rid of even though you're over 20 and the extra 10 pounds maybe!

-- So...,he trails.

You turn to face him and find him staring at you with a slight smile.

-- I-...need some time to think, you mumble.

There's a voice inside you that is screaming "Yes! Just say yes and kiss him!". Which is stupid. Because he didn't asked anything. Anyway, you want to go for it - of course you do! - but dating him online, secretly, is one thing. Dating him in real life? That seems way more complicated...

-- I know this is a lot to take, he nods. I'm staying in London for a week so...If you want us to do anything just let me know, okay?

-- Okay...

You meet his eyes again. He's looking at you with a soft and hopeful gaze and it's like you're back at the house...You love him, you know you do. It's just so much easier when you're online!

You're so caught up in his eyes that you almost don't realise he's leaning over you until you feel his breath on your lips. Time froze. He's so close you can only look at one of his eyes at the time. And then he closes them.

Slowly, you feel his lips brushing on yours, like he's asking for permission. You close your eyes too and tilt your head slightly. You can't say which one of you closes the distance left, maybe it was both. But you're kissing. And it's so weird because in a way it feels less intense than in sync, but so much full of...love?


Today is your one year anniversary with Tom. Like most of the time, he's not in town so you have planned on celebrating online. You've upload that lovely dress he bought you for your birthday so that you could wear it. It seems it pleases him.

-- What are you wearing, he asks as he takes you in his arms, for real I mean.

-- The dress, you say before kissing him.

-- I said for real, he smirks.

-- Okay I'm in my pyjamas...

He laughs and squeezes you against him. He gives you a peck on the cheek and you stay in each other arms for a moment.

-- Damn it, he says when you hear a little beeping sound.

That's the alarm for when someone is knocking at his door in real life.

-- Come on, you scowl, did you forgot the don't disturb sign again?

-- Let me check on this, he says releasing you. I'll be back in a minute!

-- Tom!

But he's already gone...And just as you're about to go sit in the couch and sulk, your own alarm rings too.

-- Really?, you sigh and sync off.

You take a second or two to focus back on reality and go to the door. You open and you're about to greet very harshy the poor soul that wants to disburse you today-

But you swallow it back because it's Tom. Your sweet thoughtful Tom. All dressed up, with some flower and a bottle of wine.

-- You really are in your pyjamas, he chuckles.

You're already at his neck, kissing passionately and dragging him inside.

-- I love you, you whisper against his lips.

-- I love you too. Happy anniversary darling.

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