Part 4

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Gandalf's death hit you like a ton of bricks. You had never imagined that your oldest and dearest friend could ever actually die. That wizard meant the world to you. He was the one who had invited you to join Thorin's company and introduced you to Bilbo. You owed all your happiness to him, and now he was gone. You could feel your heart breaking and wanted nothing more than to sit down and properly grieve for him. But the fellowship was not afforded that luxury. Besides, you knew Gandalf would have popped a gasket if all of you had risked the quest due to mourning his demise.

Things didn't get any easier for you in the days to come. You knew even before Frodo did that he would be leaving the Fellowship. After all, you had raised him like he was your own and a mother always knows. Part of you wanted to go with him to protect him, but in your heart you finally realized that this was his destiny, not yours. Your place was with the rest of the Fellowship, guarding and caring for your newly adopted family. It didn't make watching him leave any less painful though, and once again you weren't allowed any time to grieve. Merry and Pippin had been taken by the enemy, and there was no way you were going to lose more of your friends without a fight.

For days the four of you hunted the kidnappers without stopping. Poor Gimli appeared to be on the brink of collapsing while Legolas still seemed as energetic and alert as a young kitten. Eventually, you all came upon a group of soldiers on horseback. Their leader, a handsome prince named Eomer, told you the fate of the ones your party had been hunting, and informed you that none had been left alive. Shocked by the pain of more heartbreaking news so soon after the loss of both Gandalf and Frodo, you collapsed. Legolas' arms were the only thing that kept you from hitting the ground.

Eomer stepped close, looking you in the eyes. "I am sorry. Look for your friends. They may yet be alive."

You nodded. Something in his eyes gave you hope again.

Eomer looked to Aragorn saying, "We will be riding north. But first we have another matter to attend to. Some residents nearby reported an injured dragon in the area." Your head popped up, eyes open wide. "Probably just a story started by a drunken old man though. Dragons haven't been seen in these parts in years. But if it is true, we will have to destroy it."

"I have to go with you," you said suddenly.

Your mind was racing with memories of Smaug. He had spared not only your life but the lives of your friends as well. You couldn't stand by and let him be destroyed...if it was indeed him.

"Pardon me, my lady?"

"I have to see if it is him. I have to see if it is Smaug."

You felt every eye on you. Eomer's drifted down to the stone you always wore. "So, you are the Lady Dragon-Tamer I heard stories of as a child?"

"No. I mean, yes I am, but I didn't tame any dragon. It is as much a mystery to me now as it was that day why he did the things that he did. All I know is he did the noble thing. He spared my life and the lives of my friends. If it is him I must know."

Eomer looked at you, clearly thinking the situation over. He couldn't let a monster live just because a pretty girl asked him to, but he did want to see if all the stories were true.

"Take her with you, Eomer," Aragorn said. "Legolas, Gimli, and I can look for the hobbits alone." He gave you a soft smile, eyes full of compassion. You suspected that he was trying to protect you from the sight of Merry's and Pippin's bodies if it turned out that they were dead. You were grateful. They meant almost as much to you as Frodo and you welcomed a distraction from any additional pain. With a nod from Eomer, you both mounted his horse, leaving your friends behind.

Burning it Down: Smaug/ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora