Part 6

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"Hold on, my pet. Now we are going to fly."

You pressed your body close to his and grasped him tightly. In an instant you were hundreds of feet in the air with the wind whipping hard against you. Soon you felt him level out and the loud beating of his wings had gone silent. The two of you were gliding. You looked down and the beauty of the scenery beneath you took your breath away. Unfortunately, you arrived at your destination much sooner than you would have liked. Smaug slowly descended and gently landed on the ground outside of Rohan's gates. You slid off of his head and patted him gently.

"That was absolutely wonderful! I haven't had that much fun in a long time!"

"I am glad you enjoyed it my lady. Now the humans inside this city are probably preparing to attack me, so it would be best if you went and explained the situation to them before they get too worked up."

As you turned towards the city's entrance,  the gates opened revealing the last person you ever expected to see. His beard, robes, and staff were now white, but there was no denying it was Gandalf. You ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck.

"Oh Gandalf, I thought you had died!"

"I did, my dear y/n, but that is a story for another time. Right now I would like to meet your winged companion, officially."

You introduced Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas,  and Gimli to Smaug. Then followed them inside, leaving Smaug outside the city gates. While your friends did not speak ill of him, the king of Rohan was not so quiet.

"You expect me to sit by and do nothing while a dragon destroys my people?! We already have Saruman to deal with! We do not need another menace!"

"Theoden," Gandalf said calmly, "if the dragon wanted to destroy Rohan it would already be burned to the ground. His motives for being here are much more noble than that."

The two spoke at length about Saruman's upcoming attack. Ignoring Gandalf's advice, Theoden decided on taking his people to the fortress of Helm's Deep. It was apparent that your friends were going to stick as around to help, so you of course were going to as well. Gandalf was going to leave to find Eomer and his soldiers so that he could bring them back to help in the battle. As you walked with him to the stables he said, "A dragon such as Smaug would make a powerful ally."

"What are you hinting at, Gandalf?"

"Oh nothing, merely an old man thinking aloud." You wished him speed and safety and began preparing your gear and the horse you had been given while watching him ride away. Then you lead your steed out of the city gates to tell Smaug of your plans.

"Theoden is a fool. All of his people will be destroyed if the enemy manages to break down the defenses," Smaug said, snorting his discontent loudly.

"I know. That's why I'm going with them. I have to help in anyway that I can. I won't let my friends go alone." 

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his attention turn to your horse. "You aren't planning on riding that pathetic beast of burden all the way to Helm's Deep, are you?"

"She is not a beast Smaug. Her name is Buttercup. And yes I will be riding her, unless you think walking would be more pleasurable?"

"I had assumed you would be riding atop my head again, unless it was too frightening for you last time?" You could swear he was smirking at you with that last bit, but you were too happy to care.

"You mean you're going with us?! You're going to help?"

He moved his head closer to you saying quietly, "My place is between you and danger, and that is where I will be until the end of my days."

Burning it Down: Smaug/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now