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I wake from my slumber, still half asleep from the heavenly dream I was just having of me finally winning over Colin's heart. "Brayden!! Get your ass up! Or else the bus is gonna leave you behind, and you know for a fact I work this morning!!" Mom says from downstairs, her harsh voice echoing through the house.

I groan and push off my bed before rushing into the bathroom to clean myself as fast as possible, rinsing my face and hair in the sink before going downstairs. "Okay mom, I will see you later tonight since you have a longer shift; but you know I can handle myself quite well. Plus what kind of things would you be expecting from such a pleasant and quiet neighborhood" I give her a kiss on the cheek.

I head out to my usual spot, aka the bus stop that I usually just chill for a few minutes. Now before I even continue any further, I should give some background information, I mean right? It's only the cordial thing to do. Well my name is Brayden, and there is also a guy named Colin that I like, but can't even muster up the courage to tell him; oh and by the way, in this world both humans and furs co-exist together, so there's that charming aspect. It's a whole long history lesson which I don't feel like explaining right now cause it would take a few days to wrap your head around the concepts, and some of them that have happened. But whatever the cause, I didn't come here to talk to you about some history; I'm just here to shed some light on who we both are.

Both Colin and I are the eccentric types of beings; but anyways, back to the sappy love story, or at least I think it will turn out sappy.

I plop myself into my usual seat whilst gazing out the window, alone. I usually prefer to sit by myself on the bus. "You know, being alone does get boring pretty fast, I mean, a loner such as myself should know, right?" I look over to the seat across from me and see the one fur that seems to never care about anything; especially about having a social life. "Well I just like being alone on the bus, unlike some people here who just love to be a pure anti-social outcast"

I notice Felix takes a pause before he talks. "Aha! You are wrong sir! I am talking to you so I am not purely anti-social"

I shake my head at his pseudo-intelligent observation "Either way, at school you are always alone, and you choose to separate yourself from everyone"

I hear Felix let out a light giggle under his breath. "Dawwww! Does the human have a crush on some lonesome wolf?" He flashes me a cheeky grin "Cause it sure seems that you have been keeping an eye on me"

My cheeks blush out of my control, a deep crimson red. "Shut it, Felix! You know very well that I care about you, even if you don't care about yourself" I peek over my shoulder to see if any furs are watching or listening to us talk. "You're like the brother I never had, and I feel like I always have to protect you no matter what, even if we aren't the same species"

A rare sight to see but I saw Felix smile. "I know you mean well Brayden, I'm only just pulling your leg cause I know your eyes have settled on someone else who I think you deserve in your life, but also love ain't some fairy tail shit"

I nodded my head. "Yeah I know I have to be ready for rejection, and just reality in general, cause life is not just made up of puppies and rainbows" Our bus screeches to a stop right at the school's front entrance.

"See you around" Felix waves me goodbye while going to his mysterious places since half of the time I don't see him in class or get in trouble for ditching. I shake my mind off of Felix as I try to find my group of friends, dodging and weaving through the crowds of students as I search for them; but it's near impossible because all they do is just walk and gossip before the first bell rings.

I end up running into Jaime instead, seeing that he was also looking for the rest of them. "Seems that neither of us were able to find them?" I asked as we continue walking through the hallway until we both just up giving up and end up sitting down at one of the outside benches. "One of the few reasons I don't like this school is because it is too damn huge! Like, how are we supposed to find anybody when like half of them come late as fuck, and the other half don't even have phones" I can't help myself but laugh just a bit.

"You would think that this entire generation of teenagers would have phones, but now, most of the time it all depends on the parents, so we really can't do anything about it; though it is slightly ominous how many of our friends are scared of staying out late at night. Or the furs are at least" Jaime looks behind me noticing that yet again, there is a fight about to happen.

"Yeah that is a tad bit weird, but I did hear that it's only like our town because I have a few other friends at other cities and towns that don't experience the things we do here, sooooooo maybe there might be something like hella bad going on here" I give him an intrigued look.

"Why don't we just put that very interesting mystery on hold until we find the rest of the group, because I am fairly sure they would like to hear it as well" I say, putting the matter to rest and moving onto the more important topic at hand, or paw I guess; who's gonna win the fight!

"GO AXEL! YOU GOT THIS! GRAB HIS TAIL! EASY PICKINGS" I yell out like everyone else also beings to scream. Jaime just shakes his head at me whilst I keep cheering the fight on.

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