Chap. 4- Tests and Care

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"Let's go, come on!" Ty yelled as Seto ran across the course, Seto scrabbling up a wall. He felt his skin scrape off, giving himself a boost with his tail. Jumping and landing safely into the water, he let out a big gulp of air. "Ten minutes and thirteen seconds." Clicking the stopwatch, Ty lifted Seto out of the pool, drying him off.

"What's next?" Letting him have a drink, Ty bandaged up Seto's hands.

"Swimming, think you're up for it?" Healing up the cuts, Ty checked off boxes on his clipboard.

"I guess, anything from Nate or Ritz?"

"Nate got really sick, but Ritz managed to get to a friend called Issac. The three plan to move further away, and reported that they hope you're fine." A raven cawed outside, Ty getting up and unraveling the letter.

"Can I see it?" Handing it over, Seto looked it through.

Seto, we're heading to Mine Diaod to live. Nate is getting better, and Issac has an apartment there where we can live in. We're all very worried about you, escape soon.
-Ritz, Issac, Nate
P.S- We don't mind if you escape with that scientist. As long as he isn't going to give our position away.

Ty looked around, giving Seto his pen and tearing out a piece of paper in his notepad.

I'm doing fine, Ty is treating me well. The tests are getting more dangerous and long, though. Make sure Nate is fine, and tell Issac I owe him one. I'll see if I can escape.

Rolling it up, Ty tucked it into the raven's little container on its leg, feeding it a few scraps of meat. It cawed, flying away.

"Let's go to the swimming test before they get suspicious."

"Come on, faster!" Ty forced his hateful tone, the others using the same voice. Seto gasped for air, legs and arms weak. Finishing, he collapsed onto the ground, Ty hauling him up roughly. "Get a move on and clean yourself up, I don't want you dripping all over the halls and my dorm!" Seto ran into the locker rooms, quickly cleaning up, Ty writing down the results.

"#42 any good?"

"At least he doesn't complain or refuse to do things, obedient." Laughing, Ty grabbed Seto, yanking on the leash. "Come on, tests done today." Dragging Seto to the dorms, Ty quickly pushed Seto into his dorm, cleaning him up properly. "Remind me how many calories you get?"

"U-Uh... We get a piece of dry bread, some water, and last night's leftovers of the scientists..." Ty scowled, going to his mini-fridge and fixing up a sandwich for Seto. Additionally, some fruit and vegetables.

"Eat up, you're eating way too low." Slamming the tray of food in front of Seto, Ty muttered and cursed under his breath. Seto got to learn at least twenty new curse words.


"Hm?" Tearing through his own sandwich, Ty hooked a piece of ham in his claw before eating it.

"My shoulders and back really hurt..." Seto finished his food, Ty directing him to the bed.

Wait what?

"Lie down." Hesitantly lying down, Seto hugged a pillow, nervous. Ty began rubbing his shoulders, hands moving up and down.

A massage.

Purring, Seto waved his tail back and forth in content, Ty giving himself a soft smile.

This hybrid... He just had the feeling that he needed to protect Seto.

Continuing the massage, Seto purred and stretched, snuggling into the pillows.

"That feels good?"

"Very..." Loosening up the knots, Ty ruffled Seto's hair, going to the pantry for a snack or two. "Do you have those chicken bites?"

"Yeah, do you want those?"

"Yes please." Getting some, Ty popped them in the microwave, continuing to give the massage to Seto. Seto purred and yawned, nibbling on the bites.

"You feel better now?"

"Mmhm." Finishing, Seto stretched, letting out a satisfied purr. Ty smiled, taking the empty plate away and washing it.

"You need anything else?"

"Do you have that extra pillow still?" Ty laughed, Seto pouting. "I like having five pillows!"

"Here, here." Giving his pillow over, Ty changed and flopped down onto the bed. Seto curled up, all snuggled into the pillows and blankets, soft purrs coming from him. Ty smiled, taking what's left of the blanket and closing his eyes.

He was lucky to get Seto.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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