Chapter 19

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The next day after I left the room I encountered two people. I was tired enough not to care. So I just shoved them out of my way and ignored them.

Time skip

John: I swear to god when I get my hands on who did this-

Sera: don't

Oh shit, you need some backstory. Long story short someone targeted Sera and threw a rock at her, hitting her smack in the forehead. But the person played it off like it was an accident. John is pissed, I'm pissed but not as badly as John is.

Y/n: John, sometimes violence isn't the answer. I know that personally

John: and what do you mean by that?

Y/n: how do you stop a pyromaniac who, because of his goggles sees not fire but rainbows and stuff? And he won't take off his goggles/mask. Instead of fighting him, trying to knock him out, just take away his flamethrower. It wasn't simple but we did it. Then we had to give it back but he managed to learn not to set our base on fire, at least don't do it on purpose

Sera: that happened to you?

Y/n: yup. It was quite the day

Time skip

I put my demon mask on and made sure I had my weapons with me. I had my uniform on and let me say I still looked good.

From what Blyke said to me before he left was he was going to go help Remi and Isen with something. Also he had promised to not tell anyone about my robots.

The mask had a built on earpiece in case I needed Engie or one of the others.

Engie was telling me the first target.

Because of the slightly decreased EMBER activity, I had to start small, get myself known to the public.

Engie: the name: Waldo. He's a mid-tier with a power rating of 2.8. His ability is shockwave. He's in the low-tier district. Go find him. But don't kill him

Y/n: got it buddy

Time skip

I was over looking the low-tier district from a building. Engie made some major adjustments to this mask since I last saw it on Spy.

I could zoom in a targets, see names, genders and all that.

As I looked down I zoomed in on anyone I saw.

Then I saw 1 person. I zoomed in and saw...

Y/n: Remi?

A bit later I saw someone banging a door down. Then I saw someone turn a corner. It again was Remi, in a really bad superhero outfit.

I started climbing down, from the roof, before hanging upside down from the doorframe.

Y/n: hey shit bag!

He turned around as I grabbed him. I then started pulling him up the wall.

He started screaming to let him go. I did as he asked but fell myself and caught him. He then stopped screaming.

Y/n: I'm going to ask you this question once. Where do I find Wald? And to make this clear.

I held the wall with one hand as I proceeded to let this guy go, once finger at a time.

Green: ok ok I'll talk!

I grabbed hold of him tightly.

Y/n: now where is he?

Time skip

Y/n: this is awkward

So Remi got one guy to talk and I got the other. And they were both scared.

Remi: so you are?

Y/n: Demon

Remi: X-Rei

As we got up to the floor Waldo was on we stepped out. In the room I saw Wald as a desk.

I pulled my shotgun out and pointed it at him.

After Remi said something he attacked.

I rolled behind a pillar to not get hit by the shockwave and I readied my uberpen.

Y/n: let's do this

I activated the Uber than ran out from behind my cover and ran straight at him. He tried to stop me but nothing can stop an Uber. Expect maybe air blasting the person so they can't hit them.

I then shot him in the leg, then bashed his head with the stock of my gun.

I saw a thing of lightning shoot pash me and hit him square in the face.

He fell over. I poked him with my barrel. Out cold.

I checked over his body. On his arms I saw where he had injected himself with something. Power strengthening serum.

Y/n: shit...

Remi: what?

Y/n: nothing, it's not important

Time skip

Remi and other two men bright Waldo to where the kidnapped people were. I just asked her to put a card on Waldo. It had 'Demon' on it. I gave her a blank card so she could put her name on it.

I was back in my room, hiding away my stuff. Blyke would be back soon I bet. So I made sure I was back before him.

So I had hid away my guns in my guitar case, hid my clothes behind a mirror in my room, and my mask was under my bed.

I also made sure Engie and Medic knew what had happened. About the serum and everything.

They said they were working on it for Sera but it will take time. I just hope we have enough time before people start to find out about Sera.


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