Chapter 20

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Sorry for the long wait! Got sidetracked by other books.

Blyke: hey wait!

I turned around just before I opened the door to leave the dorm.

Y/n: yeah?

Blyke: I haven't brushed my teeth yet, but can you wait outside of the dorm? We could walk to school together

Y/ thanks

Blyke: but, why n-

Y/n: I have things to take care of. Sorry

I then left the room, going to meet up with Sera and John.

Time skip

Sera: really? He asked to walk to school with you?

John: trap probably

Y/n: no, it was no trap. I could tell he was sincere about it but I declined it politely. Said I had things to do

Sera: and do you?

Y/n: nah. Just didn't want to wait

They laughed at that.

Y/n: it's strange though. Living with someone other than my teamma-

I stopped talking as I saw a crowd of people surrounding the bulletin board.

John: what's this about?

I broke of from them as I looked over the heads.

Oh shit...

It was an article, stating about how Sera lost her powers.

Y/n: let's go. Now

John didn't listen. He just went to take the poser down.

I started jogging, which quickly turned into a run, with Sera right behind me.

I turned around to block a punch for Sera from Mardin. I kicked him in the gut but I saw Zeke jump over him to punch me.

I turned around and blocked with my invisible Danger Shield. Then I turned back around to head butt him. He went down.

Y/n: stairs, now

We turned around before running towards the stairs.

I turned my head as I ran to look behind me and saw a green beam of energy coming at us.

So I stopped, turned around and deflected it with gunslinger.

As I had stopped for the split second I was punched to the ground.

Mardin: don't run away from us! Moron!

I just fell to the ground, rolled to break my fall. I caught myself on my knee looking up at him.

Y/n: do your bloody worst

He tried to punch me and I rolled out of the way.

I kicked him in the groin after getting to my feet.

Y/n; don't

I kicked him in the jaw

Y/n: mess

I slammed his head on my knee.

Y/n: with

I slammed my fists over his head, sending him to the ground

Y/n: my

I picked him up and threw him towards a locker.

Y/n: friends!

I turned towards Zeke, ready to punch him out of existence.

???: hey you two! Cut it out!

I looked at the source to see Blyke.

Blyke: that's enough fighting! Everyone, go to class!

I shook off any remaining pain before walking off.

Y/n: see ya Sera. I gotta go

I walked past the bulletin board and picked up the 'Fallen Goddess' paper. I gotta talk with someone

Time skip

I ran up to Arlo.

Y/n: hey!

He turned around and seemed a bit shocked to see me. I slowed down as I got next to him.

Arlo: what do you want? I thought we agr-

I shoved the paper into his chest.

Y/n: I need info, now

He took the paper and looked at it. I saw shock appear on his face.

Y/n: so you didn't know about this?

Arlo: where'd you get this from?

Y/n: all over the school. I just need to know who posted it

Arlo: now that I can't tell you as you will probably murder them

I looked at him angry then sighed.

Y/n: yep. Yep you're probably right

He sighed.

Arlo: since you're not yelling at me like John would probably do, I'll help you. But only for Seraphina, got it?

Y/n: that's fine with me

Arlo: ok. Good. I'll go talk to who posted it. I know who did. I'll see what I can do

Y/n: ok. Thank you. I got friends who can help get her powers back. I'll see if they can whip some up

Arlo: and you only told us now?

Y/n: look, I've had a lot on my mind and a lot going on. They should be working on it already

Arlo: good

I then ran to class.

Time skip

It was night. Engie said no one was out there. And he said he watched the news for where I lived. He said they brought up my hero name. And that's good.

But I was having a bad memory moment. I just kinda sometimes remember everything that happened during my time with Blu. It doesn't happen often but it does happen sometimes.

So I was in my sweatshirt, sleeves down for once and my beanie was on. Wearing these just made me feel safer.

And then the memories started flooding my head.


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