
660 10 3

Holy cow, 1K read. Damn, didn't think it'll go that far. I honestly thought I wouldn't have even like more than 5 read per parts. Well thanks to keep it up, and thank you, you beautiful and lovely people that supports me and comments on my story. And don't worry, next part is like double the words that I usually do. Just need to retype it on my computer.
-1K words on only a span of a single day in the... what do you call...? Story? What is that? Wait, am I in a story?! Why am I in a story gosh darn it?!

Calm down (y/n) you're becoming popular
Well kinda

Stay tuned for the next part coming shortly in a cinema near you!
Have a lovely day/night!!

Neo x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now