Prolouge: Petals & Thorns (Part 1)

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Yes there will be parts, each chapter is sort of a new part usually a major skip in time of sorts or big event.

Long ago in the Kingdom of Smok, there lived a king and his queen with a baby soon to come. All her husband ever wanted was a son who was true of heart, someone he would be proud to call the heir of their kingdom. Soon the queen has her delivery giving birth to a handsome baby boy. The king was ecstatic and called upon the Seer of Smok to tell them of what their son will be destined to become. Soon the seer has arrived and was presented the child, but when the Seer placed his hand on the child's head he gasped in horror.

"Your highnesses...I'm sorry...but this child...he is destined to be evil." He said softly. The king and queen gasped.

" you must be wrong!"

"I'm sorry...but I only see darkness in his heart...he will commit vile acts against the kingdom and others to get what he wants. I'm sorry..." the seer said as the queen sobbed holding her child wishing it wasn't true as the king was angry. He could never have a destined tyrant to take his throne. Never.

Almost three years later the queen gives her husband news she knew he would be happy to hear. She was pregnant once again after all the time of trying! The king was happy but he was scared...what if he was just as bad as their son already was?

Soon the queen gave birth to another son, and once again the seer was called upon to tell them his destine path. The seer did as he did before and smiled to the royals.

"He is destine to live a life of happiness and love, he is pure and of good heart...but be careful. I see a path cut short in his something fearsome and dangerous..." they warned the king and Queen.

"I won't let him get hurt. My true heir!" He smiled holding the giggling happy baby. Peering over the corner, the elder son watched his father tell his baby brother he was going to be king...that was suppose to be HIS!!!

The king named his eldest son Dustin and his youngest Jake. For years the king had praised and loved Jake more then he ever did with Dustin, as time went on, Dustin's resentment over his little brother grew more and more.

Jake will not be the king Dustin thought to himself every night. No matter what...

He will have the crown, and Jake will not stop him.

No one will.

It's just the beginning but there is more coming soon! I couldn't really write more right now because part two will focus on the other part of this couple, the royal kingdom & family of Starlight :3

Until then, more to come as the story continues~

500 words

The Prince in the Shadows (ON HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora