Chapter 1: The Dragons Heart (Part 3)

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Michael looked outside happily as he picked at his flower waiting to see the Smok carriage come up the road so he can finally see his beloved again! He sighed happily thinking of what they will do together and how they will spend their time planning the wedding of their dreams. He sighed again dreamily as he landed on his bed before hearing the outside commotion, seeing the carriage had arrived! Michael smiled as he ran to greet them with his siblings when he saw Dustin...he looked distressed... Michael slowly approached the royals as he heard sobs? Who was crying? What was wrong? He hid behind the pillar...he knew it was wrong be he listened to the conversation.

"...I wish it was me instead. But I wasn't fast enough to stop him!" He heard Dustin sob.

"You did your best...I'm...I'm so sorry Dustin...I can't imagine what that feels like..." Jeremy said to him as Michael heard his sister, her wife and Jeremy's husband weeping.

"I...I don't know how we are going to tell Michael this..." Brooke said through the tears.

"Tell me what..." Michael said stepping forward going to them. They looked to one another in fear like they had seen a ghost. "W-Where's Jake...what happen..." Michael said worried. Dustin took a deep breath as Jeremy went Michael.

"Michael...there's...been an accident...Jake...Jake was killed..." he said. Michael's entire world shattered.!

"W-What do you mean?! I-if this is a joke I-it's not funny!!" Michael said with tears forming in his eyes as Dustin approached him.

"It's the truth...a-a dragon attacked us while we we stopped...I-I wish I could have stopped it from killing him or slain the beast myself but he was so fast. I'm so sorry Michael...but Jakes gone..." he said. Michael held himself as he backed away from them into the wall sliding down it sobbing. His Jake...was gone...he didn't even get to say goodbye! He sobbed into his knees holding himself in a ball tight hearing voices around him including his father telling Dustin that he gives his condolences for their loss and to help set up a funeral for Jake. But without a body, they would have nothing to burry. Michael never cried so much in his life before, losing the love of his life was like someone stabbing him repeatedly with a sword. He didn't know when but eventually he passed out from exhaustion.

A few hours had passed, when Michael finally awoke again. He was back in his bed, he could see the moon was outside, he must had been out for hours... he got out of the bed feeling weak as he went to the window opening it looking outside seeing the was beautiful. But even the beauty of the stars couldn't bring any kind of happiness to him. His love was gone. Forever. His head turned slightly when he heard someone come into his room seeing it was Christine. He kept looking out the window as he heard her call out to the others, hearing his brother and sister and their significant others walk over hugging him softly.

"Michael...we have no way of knowing how you feel...the closest we have is when our mother died...but this is a whole new level of pain..." Jeremy said as Michael hugged him tight lightly sobbing.

"We promise we will help you get through this..." Brooke said holding his hands as the engagement ring shined in the light. Michael held it close to his heart taking it off his hand putting it on the silver chain he wore. So Jake will always be close to his heart.

"I...I'd like to be alone please..." Michael whispered softly to them. Jeremy sighed as he and Brooke nodded leaving the room.

"We...we'll be back in a little while..." Brooke said as she closed his door. Michael buried his head into his knees holding himself in a ball, as he continued to sob for his lost fiancé.

Jake sighed looking at himself in the lagoon again...he really was a dragon...why?! How did this happen?! "I swear I'm going to find out what happen and to whoever did this to me they will pay!!" He growled as he heard something. He looked around spotting a shaking nest. He walked over looking in the nest seeing a shaking blue feathered bird was there. Jake tilted his head confused as the bird looked at him getting even more scared.

"P-please don't eat me!" He begged.

"I-I'm not gonna eat you...w-wait you can understand me?! I'm a dragon!"

"A-and I'm a bird?" He said confused by the dragon as he heard two more birds flying into the cave.

"Evan?" One said.

"Ev- HOLY MOTHER OF DRAGONS!" The other said as a red and black bird flew to the blue bird Jake presumed was named Evan. "Don't worry Evan! We'll protect you blue bird!" The red one said. Jake just rolled his eyes laying down by the lagoon once again as Evan flew over to him.

"Y-You're not like what I-I thought a dragon would be..." he said as Jake nodded.

"I'm not a dragon. I'm human...or I was a few hours ago..." he sighed as the black and Red birds flew over. "I was a prince. Prince Jake of Smok..."

"W-whoa really..."

"Yeah...and now...I'm some dragon. I don't even know why! Maybe I was cursed or something?! I don't know..." He sighed. Evan looked at the other two birds as he flew in front of Jake.

"I-I'm Evan. T-the Black Bird is Connor, and the red one I-is Jared." He smiled to Jake as they flew to Evan.

"Maybe we can help you find a way to get back to normal! After all it you were cursed there has a to be a cure!" Jared chirped excited. "But for now we'll keep you company until then. What do you say?" He smiled as Jake shrugged.

"I guess it's better than being alone for the rest of my life..." he sighed as he looked up at the sky seeing the moon and stars...a tear fell down his face.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked seeing his tears.

" fiancé...his kingdom has the most beautiful stars in the world...and it makes me think of him...and what he thinks of me right now...does he think I'm dead or missing?! Whatever the case...I know he's hurt..." he said as he walked towards a wall scraping a line on it. "I want to find a cure as fast as get back to him...he's the only reason I want to be alive..." Jake sighed looking at the huge wall...who knows how many days he will be like this...he really wished it wasn't more than one.

...Boy was he wrong.


Oh my! Looks like There's pain and suffering everywhere! Michael's sad, jakes sad, but who knows what will happen next chapter! How long will the Timeskip be? And when will they finally be together again! Will Jakes new bird friends help him find a cure?

Only time will tell.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it :)

More to come as the story continues~

1246 Words

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