Chapter 2: 1,000 Nights Away (Part 1)

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1,000 days after Jake was turned into a dragon. So almost 3 years. Michael is now 21, and Jake is now 23. ON WITH THE STORY!

Jake yawned rubbing his eyes as he stretched his wings out, hearing the three birds chirping away excited. Jake grumbled as he looked to them.

"Guys the suns not even fully up yet, why are you chirping so loud?" He yawned.

"Well we cant help it! Jake its a big day!" Jared said as he flew down landing on Jakes nose.

"That you have to be up so early about it?"

"Yes!!" Jared said.

"What is it?"

"Well last night we counted all the marks on the wall's our 1,000 day anniversary! You've been here for 1,000 days!" He said as jakes eyes widen...has it really be that long? Jared looked to the other birds nervously as they flew over. "You Alright Jake?"

"Y-Yeah...I think I'm...I'm just gonna go and do my routes early..." he said as he got up making them get off his nose as he flew out of the cave.

"W-we didn't get to tell him w-what we found..." Evan said leaning his head on Connor.

"We will get to later when he returns Ev, for now let's get ready..." Connor said.

"Yeah! If we want to surprise Jake we have to make sure this place is perfect!" Jared said as they got ready.

Ever since he turned into a dragon Jake had to adapt to a new lifestyle. It started with the three birds getting him small things to eat but eventually it evolved into Jake going out finding his own meal, mostly fish from the lake, and listening to wondering gossip from knights on their patrols about what's happening in Starlight and in Smok. It was the only way he knew if his beloved was still alive and Alright. Jake took a bite of his fish as he heard the knights on patrol, he hid in the nearby cave to listen to them talking.

"The king said the lantern festival this year is going to be bigger then last year." One of them said.

"Really? Why's that?"

"He said this year Prince Michael will be in attendance."

"Really? That's shocking, I thought he refused to leave his tower know..."

"Apparently his father isn't giving him a choice this year. I was near the King's study when I heard him talking to the princes and princess. He said 'Michael! You've been grieving him for too long! It's time to grow up and be the prince your kingdom is expecting you to be' he told him."

" did Michael respond."

"He didn't. You know the young prince doesn't like to fight against his father. He just obeys. But prince Jeremy got mad. He said 'You can't just tell someone to get over losing a loved one! Just let him grieve and stop trying to force him to do things he doesn't want to do!' And they just kept fighting. I saw Princess Brooke bring Prince Michael back to his room, I could see it in his eyes...he was in so much pain..."

"The poor prince...maybe someone else can fill the hole in his heart?"

"Maybe one day...but for now he only has the memory of when he was happy." The guards voices started to fade as they continued to walk. Jake could feel tears falling down his face just hearing about how his beloved is still in pain, it hurt more than anything in the world.

After a while Jake finally returned to the cave as Jared yelled in his face.

"JAKE!" He said as Jake slapped him back into the wall. "Ow..." he said as Connor and Evan helped him. "We have a surprise for you!"

"Jared I'm not really in the mood for a-"

"P-please Jake..." Evan asked him as Jake sighed.

"Okay What is it?" He said as Jared nodded with them fluttering over to something. They brought it to Jake, a map. Jake looked to them confused.

"Well!!! Do you like it?" He smiled.

"Uh...what is it?" He said.

"A map!"

"...a map to what."

"It's a map to a powerful sorcerer. Last night when you were asleep we found him. He has magic that can help you Jake..." Connor said. Jake looked at him shocked.


"We have to see him, it's gonna take a little while to get there but we can leave when your ready. We want you to be the prince you use to be again for your prince." Connor smiled. "I don't think we could imagine the pain of being away for the person you love..." he said hugging Jared and Evan in his wings. "But we know it must be the worst pain in the world." He said as Jake nodded a tear falling down his face.

"Thank you..." Jake said softly as they hugged him. "We better get going, I need to see this sorcerer now..." he said as they nodded. Jake looked around the outside of the cave and nodded to his bird friends as they left the cave in search of the person who could bring Jake back.

Now we're getting somewhere :D Jake and his bird friends are on route to find the person who can bring him back! But who will it be? And what's Dustin been doing since he got rid of Jake? And what about Michael and his siblings? All will be answered soon enough~

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it :)

More to come as the story continues~

946 Words~

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