And so they Appear

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Being inside was unusual, whilst Kodai had gone through a number of storms before this one had quirks all of it's own.

For starters the lightning which usually would go for objects that are tall and hit them seemed to just be running around randomly hitting areas all around all of the ships present, there was no pattern to it, the lightning almost seemed as if it was directing them in a certain direction as all the areas it hit caused the ships to maintain a certain course through the storm.

Though that was probably the least strange thing about the storm, the ominous purple clouds of the storm seemed to be trying to surround all the ships, they where also generating some kind of interference that made communication difficult by normal means, the fog communication methods of direct links remain unaffected however it was becoming harder for all the ships to see each other. As they carried on through the winds kept increasing the sound that it created was similar to that of a shrill scream as it flew past them. The seas themselves weren't generating the kind of waves that would normally expect, the waves that where be generated where closer to a tsunami or the waves generated when Krakatoa erupted back in 1883, due in part to the strength of their engines meant the waves where not swamping them despite their large size as they could all go over their Crest.

As the fleet traveled through the storm, it only grew fiercer with the winds and lightning strikes gain greater intensity as time carried on, almost as if Poseidon himself wished to claim them as the seas seemed to be making every effort to embrace they for all of time. Not that going underwater would effect them that much due to them being the fog, having a klien field meant that they would have an easier time operating under water than most other warships.

On the horizon something was appearing initially it would be hard to tell, partially due to storm itself and partly as it was a pure light that seemed to be endless, Kodai thought as he kept his hull under control despite the storms best efforts, you could not tell where it really began or where it would end not that the constant lightning strikes helped regardless of how good your vision was.

"Hey Kodai!" Came over the coms, "Yes Mori?" Kodai replied, "I think we should probably head to the light, could be the eye of the storm, I know we are tough now that we're hybrids but our engines can only take so much strain especially in a storm like this."

"I agree with Mori" came Yamato's voice over the coms, "plus neither Takeo nor Sachiko have experienced anything like this before,  we can take the chance to do some checking on all our equipment."

"Hmmm," Kodai pondered a little, as far as he could tell everyone was fine, though Yamato was right, neither of their younger children had actually experienced such a storm on open water, Atsuko had but that been accident since she had snuck out for a romantic cruise with the Admiral who also happened to be her boyfriend, Kodai sighed he still wasn't sure how she had managed to sneak out along with her hull. Though that was the past. "Okay, let's do it, it can't hurt to have a quick check over plus we can potentially check to see if any abyssals are lying in wait for us."

With their course of action decided, the entire fleet adjusted their course and started heading towards what the presumed was the eye of the storm, as they sailed towards it the light almost seeming to be matching them and increased it's own rate of advance as it did so. As they got closer the light seemed brighter than ever, blinding so as they sailed towards and into it completely denying them any vision.

Then as quickly as it had done so it was gone along with the storm, replaced by a clear blue sky, a gentle wind and the cries of ocean going birds. Kodai quickly asked everyone for a report on their condition and their combat readiness, the reports indicating no real problems and just a slieght strain on everyone's klien fields due to the force of the waves. Just as Kodai was about to order for them to reorganise his brother yelled "Takeo watch out on your starboard bow!!!!"

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