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Mackenzie's POV

I sat on the ground, watching everyone walk past with no care. They didn't care that they were just walking past 10 homeless people and not helping.

I watched as people just walked past in a hurry. Some looked at me and the other homeless people, and soon looked away, not giving a care in the world that one of us could die out here.

I sighed as the person just a few feet away from me got a bag of chips and water. I was always the last person to get food or the one to not get food at all.

I was getting very skinny and people could tell. My best friend Devinity, who also lived on the streets, would tell me how skinny i've gotten since we got to the streets.

I knew it wasn't healthy but dying from starvation was better than being homeless. Nobody was going to help me or anyone anytime soon, so why not give up?

i hope you guys like the first chapter!

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