Y/n watching little kids

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"Sorry this was so last minute Y/n but ever since I saw you on the UA sports festival I wanted to get back in touch." My aunt smiled. "The girl with the dress is Lin and the girl with the shirt is mia. Girls be good and have fun."

"It's no big deal trust me I have to watch Izuku like a hawk." I laughed she also laughed. I then took the little kids into the apartment.

"Hey your the guy that kept breaking his fingers during the sports festival." Mia told him. I started laughing and I was texting Iida to come over.

Sanic ❤️

Hey I'm coming over today. Do you need me to bring anything?


Can you bring snacks? we are watching my little cousins and we don't have anything that they like.


Alright be there in an hour. See ya then

About an hour later I heard a knock at the door. Lin walked up to the door and opened it. Iida was standing there.

"Lin don't go opening the door some people can be dangerous!" I told her. She then shut the door. "Lin open the door and let him in he's not dangerous!" She then opened the door and let him in.

"That was the weirdest way I have ever been greeted before." Iida told me. "So where's Midoriya?"

"He's in the shower right now but did you bring the snacks?" I told him. He then held up the snacks and I clapped.

"Cousin Y/n who is this guy and how do you know him?" Both of them asked at the same time.

"This is tenya Iida my boyfriend and he's also my classmate!" I told them. There little eyes lit up and they both started asking a lot of questions. "Girls isn't it close to your nap time?"

"No!" Mia smiled. I then looked at the sheet there mom have to me.

"Really because it says you take a nap right after lunch and I'm about to make lunch!" I told them. They both decided to try and distract me from making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I looked in the small bag and got some of the baby carrots. The left over baby carrots Iida and I shared

"I don't know what you guys are doing but we have a table." Izuku questioned. I put the girls in Inko's room and I sat down on the couch. "I'm going to train be back soon guys."

Iida and I watched TV for like two hours before the girls woke up. Mia stumbled into he living room and just sat on the couch.

"Cousin Y/n when will mommy be back to pick us up?" She asked.

"She said about 7:30 tonight hunny." I told her. She then went over to the table to color. Iida then pulled me closer to him. He then kissed the top of my head.

Lin woke up not to later and joined her sister with coloring. These kids were weird but at least they don't have there quirks yet. Right as I said that rose petals were around Iida.

"What is this?" He quietly asked. I then heard Lin scream. "What's wrong girls?" Lin's arm was water and Mia just was looking at Iida confused.

"Well I think there quirks manifested." I told Iida. "Lin try making a fist to stop the water and Mia stop looking at Iida." They both did as I told and I called my aunt to tell her.

I then was sweeping up the mess of rose petals when Izuku got back and just saw me sweeping up rose petals and Iida cleaning up the water. The girls we're watching TV and asking questions about what we like.

It was getting late and there mother came to get them. They were tired and I told my aunt about there quirks. She was thrilled and wanted to see it in action.

"If Lin's arm starts going to water tell her to make a fist." I told her. "I'm not sure what Mia's quirk is but it's kinda messy." She smiled and nodded. She then walked out with the girls.

"Heh cute kids." Iida smiled. I then hugged him and kissed him.

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