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This was made and inspired for and by a friend, Omni_neko here u go hun!

    Stiles woke up and crawled over her two lovers. Once she managed to escape them she looked down at them, smiling. She went to her closet and grabbed some jeans and one of her boyfriends' sweatshirt and put on a bra and underwear.
(What Stiles looks like⬇)

    She kissed both of her boyfriends goodbye, who both groaned and grumbled in response

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    She kissed both of her boyfriends goodbye, who both groaned and grumbled in response. She smiled at them and in a gush of wind and a sound of feathers, she was gone. Her brother, Chuck, or God as most know him, has asked for her help with the angels yesterday. So she needed to pay him a visit.
    Once she arrived she was greeted with four gasps. She looked up to see her brother, an angel, and the Winchesters. She smiled and walked over, only to be greeted by each other the Winchesters to pull out angel blades. The angel beside them gasped and slapped the blades out of both their hands, earning confused looks and glares sent his way.
    "Mieczyslaw, I am terribly sorry for their behaviour. Please, forgive them." The angel begged, kneeling. Stiles smiles and laughed, earning confused looks. "Castiel, I presume. It is alright. They do not know I am here to help." Castiel stood up, looking just as shocked as the Winchesters. "And Dean and Sam Winchester-" Stiles was cut off by Dean saying, "Let le guess. 'You need to play your part and say yes to Micheal and Lucifer.' The answer is no lady. So save yourself some time and leave." He said, Castiel looking like he was choking on a fish and Sam glaring while Chuck tried to hide his amused look.
   "That was not what I was going to say at all." Stiles said blankly, earning shocked looks from three out of four. "I was going to say, it is an honor to meet you. Not many people are brave enough to stand up to those dicks who have the odasity to call themselves righteous angels. And, of course, for all you have done for the world." The Winchesters now had the same look as Castiel. "Your majesty-" Stiles cut Castiel off, saying, "Please don't call me that. Makes me feel old and them what would my two lovers think?" Stiles said, smiling. "Oh, so cheating. So you are still a dick. And here I had hopes." Dean said, smirking and putting his knife up. Stiles rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, I'm not cheating, actually. I am in a polyamorus relationship thank you very much. They love me and each other as well as vice versa. So, I was called here to help with an angel war that was happening in heaven?" Stiles said, walking closer. She received shocked looks until Chuck made a cover. "I called her here, but I didn't think it would work. It was a last resort and I heard Cass talking about a war in heaven between the angels." He said, standing up. "What can she do? Throw a few punches?" Dean asked, smirking. I flipped him off. "Yes, I can. But I also have contact to a powerful pack of werewolves, not your kind though, amazing hunters, a banchee, and what was the other one? Oh yeah, I'm God's older sister." Stiles said, smiling and watching in amusement as Sam and Dean grew a fearful look in their eyes.
    "Great, you, uh, aren't going to smite us by any chance, are you?" Dean asked after looking at Castiel for assurance of who Stiles said she was. Stiles smiled an shook her head, telling them that they were safe.
    "Miec-" Castiel was cut off by Stiles who was getting sick of her name being used. "It's Stiles. Call my Stiles. Mieczyslaw is an old name my human father figure only uses if he is mad at me." Sam and Dean looked at each other, shocked. "That's an awfully long and confusing name you got there." Dean said, Sam nodding. "Yeah well, I didn't choose it." Stiles said, shrugging her shoulders and flopping down on the couch rather ungracefully. Sam and Dean sent each other shocked looks before Castiel started speaking again.
    "M. . . Stiles is God's older sister. An angel that is more powerful than father himself." Stiles saw Chuck pull a face before putting her focus back onto the angel of Thursday. "All the angels will listen to her. No one would dare defy her. But. . . I'm sorry your majesty, I thought you were a man." Castiel said, looking confused and scared at the end. Stiles' face darkened and she said, "Triggered. I. . . am a female." Everyone nodded. "The top half of me anyways." Stiles said, tilting her head. Dean spit out his beer and Sam's eyes went comically large as he dropped the books he was holding and Castiel looked genuinely shocked. "Wait, so, you have. . . boobs. . . and, and a. . . dick?" Dean asked, still in shock. Stiles nodded slowly. "My pronoun is 'she' and 'her' though. I am a transgendered female. Well, halfway at least. I'm heaven for bisexual people, which both my boyfriends happen to be. I can also get pregnant because of my power. Since I was the only one of my kind, I needed to reproduce, leaving me with the power to both impregnate and be impregnated. Same goes for my brother." Stiles explained as they all sat down. "But your vessel?" Sam asked, looking confused. "I am in my own body. I wanted a human life. So I found a couple. The woman was not able to conceive and the man was sterile so I met up and spoke with them. They said yes, so they banged and boom, I was created. The big bang all over again. Yay." Stiles said, grabbing a bag of chips and eating them.
    Everyone looked shocked and Stiles spoke again.
    "Angels are the same way. I'm not that selfish. I want angels to have the same chance as I did to have kids with whoever they want. Fall in love and have kids." Stiles said, her voice going soft at the end. "But none of them have tried. Either they were in a straight relationship or wore protection or still have their purity. Which I still haven't lost by the way." Stiles said, rolling her eyes.
    Castiel was frozen in shock and Dean and Sam sputtered in confusion and shock. "Wait, hold up. You're how many millennia old? And you still have your virginity? What the hell?" Dean asked, confusion on his face. "As clique as it sounds, I don't want to have sex till I know I've fallen in love. And I have, but. . . I don't know what to do." Stiles said, blushing at the end.
    "Well how about this." Dean said, sitting beside Stiles. "You help Cass with his war problem, and I'll helo you with your problem." Dean asked, sticking his hand out. Stiles looked at him for a bit before grabbing his hand and shaking it.

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