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    The two shook hands as Sam scoffed a little and looked away. Stiles looked to Castiel and said, "Lead the way." Castiel nodded and soon they were both in Heaven, around fighting angels.
    Stiles stepped a few feet in front of Cass and held out a hand and sent out a wave of pure power. . . but. . . mixed with all that power, was a sense of love, calm, serenity, and a content feeling. The fighting stopped almost instantly and the angels all looked to where the source of that power came from.
    If Stiles were to look back on it, it would almost be comical, the way you could see every angel's eyes widen in fear, surprise, and respect shine in each of their eyes right before they bowed down, dropping all their weapons.
    Stiles looked upon the flocks with an emotionless stare before it turned disappointed.
    "This is what you decide to do in my brothers' and Is' absence? Kill and maim each other? I can not believe what you have done. Arrogance, man slaughter, blasphemy, and violence. Love these humans as you love us. We can take you out just as easy as those humans, and send you down to your brother Lucifer just as fast. Maybe someone who deserves to be in Hell can rule over it and one of my favorite nephews can come back up." Stiles spoke, shocking everyone to the core. But there was one angel who stood up, believing to have right.
    Raphael stood up and walked over to Stiles.
    "You both left us with a planet to run and Heaven to rule. What did you think would happen!" He yelled at his aunt. "Not this! I expected for at least one of you to get your head out of your ass and realize why we left." Stiles yelled back, making everyone confused. Stiles sighed and shook her head. "We have been controlling everything everyone does for millennials. Every child must learn to live on there own and learn to make choices for themselves. The Winchesters and Castiel were correct. Free will. That is what this is about. But it seems you forgot that just because you are powerful, doesn't mean you can do whatever you wan without consequences! You plan a fucking apocalypse!" All of the angels flinch at their mother figures' harsh tone.
    "You have the power to do whatever you want. We have that to you, that is on my brother and I. But you need to learn your actions can come back full circle and karma will come at you." Stiles said, disappointment clear in her voice and shaking her head.
    "It seems you are not ready to be on your own. And the utter disrespectful actions you have towards some of the most important and brave people there are. I expect all of you to treat the Winchesters better. And your brothers and sisters. If I ever need to do this again, I will not be nearly as forgiving." Stiles said, zapping herself and Castiel out of Heaven and back in Chuck's home.
    Dean flinched and moved back a couple feet as did everyone else as they suddenly popped back up.
    "Everything is settled. You have nothing to fear anymore." Castiel said, smiling in glee. Dean and Sam nodded before looking back at Stiles. "Not to sound ungrateful or anything but. . . why the hell would you leave? You can't leave! You think you can just stop doing this? It's your job." Dean said, raising his voice as Stiles stood up and glared. "Don't you dare get all hypocritical on me Dean Winchester. Yeah, it is my job. But guess what, I never asked to be placed in it. This angel and Earth thing was God's idea! Not mine. I wanted friends, children, family. Not corrupt angels and humans. I wanted to place people in Heaven, not make Earth and Hell." Stiles said, backing Dean up as they all looked upon her with guilt.
    "And you want to talk about not doing my job? I seem to remember all of you wanting and trying to quit yours. Don't you dare speak to me about ditching my job when you did the exact same thing." Stiles said, tears pooling in her eyes as she stepped back and zapped out after adding, "Nevermind, the deal is off. I don't need your help with sexual experience. I can just ask family."
    The entire room was silent.
    "She seems to be the nicest of all of you Gods and angels." Dean said, Sam nodding. "She is known for her kindness and love towards people she likes. She is more powerful than God. But she can be wrathful, but only to the people who are unloyal and unfaithful." Cass said, walking over to the window as Sam and Dean looked at each other with wide eyes.
    They didn't just dodge a bullet.
    They dodged a fucking nuclear bomb.
    As Stiles showed up back in her house she ran into her room where her two lovers where in bed, talking.
    She stopped in front of the door, tears going down her face.
    The two men looked at her with shock and worry, standing up and dragging her in-between them, hugging and kissing her, asking her what was wrong.
    "Just some family issues. Higher, family issues. She added, seeing the look of confusion in the two of her lover's faces.
    They spent the next few hours talking and kissing. Comforting each other in their scents and words. They layed there in silence until Stiles said the words they all loved to hear.
    "I love you, Peter and Chris."

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