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I watched the dancers on the stage with wide eyes. They were pretty, all of them. I held my father's hand, he watched the performance too. Th re was a boy on the stage who was around my age, he could twist and twirl just as the girls could. He was skilled with dancing, there was no doubt. Father had said that this type of dance was called ballet. I bet Shiro would've like to seen it, he stayed home because he didn't feel well. That's my big brother for you.

When the performance was over, the guests cheered. We were at a banquet for my father's coworker. A dinner celebration for his accomplishments in the military. My father's friend was formerly an Air Force sergeant, but they moved him into the military space exploration group. The group was called The Garrison 5. Five military men were chosen to go out into space to explore the planets of our solar system. Mr.Cooper was the only one to return unscathed. One died of oxygen deprivation, the other was separated from the group and floated off into space. One others died due to a malfunction in the suit he was wearing. Mr.Cooper and Mrs.Kangoon were the two to survive, but Mrs.Kangoon had been injured in the process of exploring Mars.

The duo started a pilot school, The Garrison. They trained teenagers and preteens in aerodynamics and put them through simulations to get them ready for their own missions in space. That was the school I wanted to go to, but I'm only ten as of right now.

The boy from the stage walked up to his mom and she gave him a hug. His brothers and sisters all squeezed him to death in a bear hug telling him he did amazing. The boy caught my eye and shyly waved. I waved back timidly but gave him a smile as well. The dinner began, it was an all you can eat buffet filled with delicious foods that could make anyone's mouth water. Father helped me fill up a plate and let me go pick a seat. I waited for him patiently. Then the boy sat on the other side of me.

"Hello." He said softly.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Lance, Lance McClain. You are?" He asked.

"Keith Kogane." I replied. The boy had striking blue eyes, it contrasted well with his caramel skin and chocolate curls. We ate together until it was time for the dance to commence. It was a simple dance, one father had taught Shiro and I when we were younger.

A girl took my hand and immediately began to dance with me, I looked to my left to see Lance dancing with a boy just a bit older than us. He was blonde with green eyes, tall too.The older boy had a firm grip on Lance's waist as he led them through the dance. We switched partners and I was dancing with another girl, this one was shorter with long brown hair. Lance danced with one of his dancer friends from the stage, a blue eyed girl with black hair.

Finally, he had ended up with me after a few switches. I held his waist firmly as we danced. Suddenly, there was a scream. We looked to where the scream came from; ultimately, it was a middle aged woman being held by her hair. A man dressed in all black smiled creepily as he lit a match. He threw it to one of the paper decorations and in minutes the room was in flames. It was so sudden, all the adults rushed to leave. The entrance was clogged with people, there was no chance of leaving through the main doors. I looked around for another exit, the windows were too high up for Lance and I to reach. A gun shot echoed through the room. I heard Lance scream as he watched his mother die. He was crying by now. I held him close as his other siblings were being shot, once he believed the everyone in the family was dead, the strange man moved on to other victims. I pulled Lance under a table. He was scared, shaking, crying. I was scared too, I was sure he could feel my own trembles. I heard a gasp of pain and immediately recognized my father's voice as he called for me. I covered my ears.

None of this was real, it couldn't be. Lance and I held on to each other tightly. The heat of the flames was overbearing.

Burned parts of the ceiling were staring to fall. Neither their of us expected that a beam would land on the table we were under. As it did I heard Lance scream my name.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out were his scared, vibrant blue eyes.

I jolted forward with a gasp

Little Boy BlueWhere stories live. Discover now