Chapter 3

165 13 13

Keith Kogane
(Translations in the comments next to each Line)

I woke up, slapping my alarm to try and get it to shut up. That didn't work, I ended up having to sit up and turn it off. By then, my morning grogginess had worn off and I didn't feel like collapsing again. I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair. Fun fact, teeth are the only bones you wash. Crazy, I know. I got dressed and viewed myself in the mirror. My several ear piercings hung loose from my ear, the eyebrow piercing gave me a more intimidating look. Only if you get to know me do you realize I'm not as scary as I seem.

I never talked about the incident after I came home that day, nor do I plan to. Not even my friends know what happened.

I walked down the stairs only to be greeted by Shiro holding a box of cereal over Adam's head.

"KEITH! Catch!" I instantly caught it. Adam ran towards me, begging for me to give him the cereal box.

"No can do." I replied with a smirk as I tossed it back to Shiro. I grabbed an apple and made my way to the bus stop. I know, both Shiro and Adam work at my school, why not just hitch a ride with them? Because who wants the school to know that they're guardians work at their school. Then all sorts of rumors start up.

The bus screeched as it stopped and we all scrambled to get to the back of the bus. But we do have a hierarchy. The oldest get to sit in the back. Meaning, the seniors. Though a select few Juniors and sophomores got to sit there as well. That's me. I'm one of the select few sophomores, along with Pidge and Hunk. As I got to the back, I noticed Leandro McClain was sucking face with his boyfriend as usual. He was one of the seniors, always had a go-lucky smile and shit. But I heard it wasn't always like that. I heard for a three year time period, he was inanely depressed. No one knows what happened except for Danny, his boyfriend, and Danny refuses to tell. That's when I noticed a new boy sitting next to Leandro. He looked small compared to him, he was skinny but well toned. He stared down at his phone.

"¿Bebé. Estás bien, cariño?" Leandro turned to face the younger boy. The boy nodded, not looking up from the phone. Danny smiled at the kid with a knowing look.

"¿Te sientes tímido?" Leandro smiled teasingly, carding his hands through the kids hair. Damnit, why didn't I take Spanish? The boy's cheeks flushed a pink color.

"Who's the newbie, whys he sitting back here." Brad, the school's idiotic jock exclaimed. Leandro's aura seemed to shift instantly. It was protective.

"You touch him, I hurt you." Was all Leandro said. This boy must mean a lot to him. Brad shut his mouth and turned to face the front after that. Pidge and Hunk looked at me with wide eyes.

"I've never seen Leandro get so protective over someone." Pidge whispered. Hunk and I nodded.

We were dropped off at school in no time. Leandro and Danny each placed a discreet kiss to the boy's temples.

"I'll see you later, Chiquito. If you need anything just call me." Leandro called out as he left with Danny.

The boy stared at his phone.

"Hey, I'm Pidge. Do you need help finding your class?" Pidge was the first to walk up to him.

"Um yea, that would be nice. I'm looking for room 138." The boy said softly. Oh damn, I think I've already fallen. He's an angel, it's official, oh my god.

"Keith here just so happens to have the same class as you, just follow him okay?" Pidge pointed to me and the boy thanked them.

He walked over to me timidly. He seemed shy, scared even. I walked with him to class, though I still never got a good look at his eyes.

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