Chapter 1

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Keith Kogane

I jolted forward with a gasp. My heart was racing and my breathing was heavy. I looked at my hands, wires connected me to multiple machines. Why were my hands bigger? Where am I?  The beeping of the machine grew louder and faster as my heart rate quickened. I looked around me, a large window over looked the city streets. A flower pot on a table beside me.

I screamed as I noticed a man sitting on a chair in the corner, fast asleep. He woke up, and gasped once he saw me.

"Keith!" He exclaimed. He rushed forward to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Who the hell are you?" I said.

"It's me Shiro, your older brother? You don't remember? They did say it was possible you'd have amnesia." The man mumbled that last part.

"Shiro isn't old. You look like you're 30 years old." I scoffed.

"Keith.. how old are you?"

"I'm ten, duh." I looked down at my body to realize I was taller than I was before.

"Keith, you've been in a coma for three years, you're thirteen years old now. I'm Shiro, I'm currently twenty."

"What happened...?" I questioned.

"There was fire-" he kept talking but I couldn't focus. Images were flashing through my head. I kept seeing blue, why was blue so significant?

I gripped my head.

"Keith? Keith, are you okay? NURSE! Someone get a doctor in here, or anyone, please!" Shiro yelled.

The doctor rushed in.

"It's alright Keith, I'm Doctor Hollendale, it's nice to meet you. I've been looking after you for the past three years. I'm going to need you to calm down okay? I'm sure you're confused, I'll explain everything once you're calm." He said. My breathing began to slow once more, the pain in my head subsided.

"Blue. Blue. What was blue? Was I wearing blue? No. Blue eyes. Who has blue eyes?" I started to ramble. Shiro looked at me like I was crazy.

"Keith I'm going to explain everything alright? You were in a fire three years ago, you sustained multiple injuries due to a charred beam collapsing on a table you were hidden under. There was one other survivor, sadly I have no information on them. They were sent to a different hospital. You've been in a coma up until now, your older brother has been visiting you everyday since you were transferred here. Do you have any questions?"

"Dad's dead isn't he?" I turned to Shiro. He looked to the side and nodded. I looked down at my lap. I couldn't believe it. He's gone, our father was gone. We already lost our mom, wasn't that enough torture?

"I'm your legal guardian now, you'll be living with me." He said quietly. I nodded in response. The doctor left to fetch me some water. Shiro enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's not like you burned the place down." I said with a sigh. "Do you know anyone with blue eyes? Like really vibrant blue eyes?"

"Keith, I know a lot of people with blue eyes. Why?"

"I keep seeing blue eyes. They're obviously not my own. Scared eyes, they're so blue." I said as I dropped my head into my hands.

"I don't know Keith, saying blue eyes doesn't really help, do you remember anything else about this person?"

"No, only blue eyes." I replied. "What's going to happen with my school? I missed three years."

"You'll be taking an exam to see if you qualify to go into seventh grade like you should be. If not they'll put you into whatever grade them deem fit for your level based on your scores." He said. Great, I come back from a coma just to take a test. How fun.

After running a few more tests, the doctors allowed me to go home with Shiro.

"I missed you a lot you know. Adam was worried sick too." He said. For clarification, Adam was Shiro's boyfriend in high school , I guess they're still dating.

We arrived at the large New York lent house and I was lifted into a tight hug.

"YOU'RE OKAY!! I WAS WORRIED SICK YOU MULLETED DUNCE." Adam cried. I hugged back with a snicker.

-Time Skip-

I ended up passing the test with a perfect score, I was allowed to transfer into The Garrison at my normal grade level. I made two friends, Pidge (whose actual name was Katie but we call them Pidge) and Hunk. Pidge was a smart person, they were admitted in under a scholarship program. Hunk's almost as tech savvy as Pidge. The two of them together could hack into NASA undetected.

As years went by, I eventually found myself in high school. Although, I got kicked out of the Garrison for "behavioral issues." If you see Commander Iverson with a black eyepatch, just know that was my doing. Anyways, I was thrown into Altea High. Shiro and Adam taught there so at least I knew some people there. Plus, Pidge and Hunk switched schools as well.

But I never one forgot about those blue eyes. They were in my dreams every night. And I never stopped looking for that vibrant blue ocean.

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