Twenty Years Ago: Sally's POV Sally's POV

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Clockwork had been released without fanfare three years ago. She came out of the prison, and promptly left for Chicago. Who knows why.

Am I curious?


No, I can't be around them anymore. Not now, not ever.

Ben and I do talk occasionally, but it isn't like before.

No, it can never be like before.

I don't know about Jill or Jack, but I don't think I care. I can't care.

They're being released today. Twenty years had passed uneventfully, but I don't care much.

"I'm gonna go see them be released." A voice interrupts me. I look down from the tree, greeted by the sight of Ajacks, "Wanna come?"

"No." I mutter, and they give me a wide smile.

"Come on, you haven't seen 'em in twenty years. Don't you want to see them?" She absentmindedly ruffles her own hair, and I notice the large knife in the waistband her pants.

"You've never met them, why are you going? Or," I realize she isn't interested, "You have to get Toby, Masky, and Hoodie."

"Yeah, I do. Weird, though, considering I've never met them. They're gonna hate me, I know it." Her voice is quiet, and I give out a snort.

"You got that right." I lean back into the tree, and she asks again.

"Just come, please."



"I said no, Ajacks."

She roll her eyes, and walks away, taking her knife out of their waistband, bow and arrows slung over her shoulder, "Fine, run away from them like you've run away from everyone else."

I shift uncomfortably until she's out of sight. I don't want to see them. But I have to.

I bite my lip, knowing that they've changed.

I look down, and see the familiar green tunic and blond hair.

"Hey, Sally." He calls up to me. I look down, and sigh.

"Hey, Ben." I swing my legs over, and jump down. My hair has grown longer, I realize.

"They're being released today."

I nod, and we start walking, not necessarily together, but not apart either.


We wait, hidden, and I notice the familiar light blue hair. I make a mental note to remind Ajacks to dye her hair a different color.

Then, it happens. All at once, they appear, out of the prison. Jeff's in an all too white hoodie and his black pants, Jack's in a clean black hoodie, Toby's striped shirt has been sewn back together, his goggles and mask fixed. Masky's jacket no longer holds the same blood stains, and Hoodie's orange sweater is nearly neon.

They walk a distance, and the police go out of sight, and then Ajacks jumps out. I see her laughing as Masky backs up from them, and she start talking quickly.

Jeff sighs, and starts off, leaving the others behind. Jack walks away in a different direction, leaving Toby, Masky, and Hoodie to talk to Ajacks. They disappear eventually, following Ajacks into the woods, and then they're gone.

As if they never existed.

I stand up, and Ben follows me, and he looks at me.

"So, what do you want to do?"

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