Tragedy and tears

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We continued through the town, passing take away stores and crying children. This town was horrible. The run down homes and drug addicts throwing shit around the place and feral cats hissing as you walk down the road. I felt bad for the werewolves, nobody deserves to live in this shithole. Moon speedily walked through the town, ignoring the cat calls that were directed at her by drugged up phsycos.

"We need to hurry. This town is a place of danger and we both know it. You lived here so I suppose you'd know all about that."

"I do. Just don't talk to anybody at all."

She looked at me with a disappointed face.

"I know that. I was guarding you."

"Hmm. I suppose so."

Huffing was coming from behind us and when I turned around it was Wade. He for once wasn't laughing.

"Maxmillion is missing, Moon."


"We got home from foraging he was just... gone..."

"Brax! You should've been watching the cave!"

"Don't blame me! You said you were taking care of the young ones!"

She sighed and nodded.

"Send out a search party, we'll be back soon."


"Wait Wade! Be careful, ok? We need our adorable little optimist."

He winked playfully before running off into the woods.

"We better hurry. If my brother is gone, we're gonna need to be quick. He's a stealth kind of guy."

"Ok. I can get the food while you run back if you want."

"No! *sigh* No. We can't risk either of our lives."

"Good point. I hope Wade gets back in one piece..."

"He's tougher than he looks. He just likes to spread optimism. To be truthful, we need him."

I nodded. 

"Who else is in the pack I haven't met?"

"Luna, grace, willow and rust."

That many?

"Who are you friends with?"

"Luna. She's my closest friend, that's why our names match."

"Luna and Moon, they mean the same thing... adorable! That's a total bestie thing. What we she like?"

"She's sweet and shy and light grey, her bright brown eyes and the tuft of white on the tip of her tail were her best wolf features. Her human form has brown, short hair and brown eyes and fairly short. I never had romantic interest in her, but you could tell when some one did."

"She sounds like a good person. What does she do?"

"She crafts and cares for our pups. She's a bit of and extrovert but a social person if you get to know her."


We had finally made it. We opened the creaky door to the old grocery store. It was tiny, but it had a meat section and that's all we needed.

After we finished we ran home, ignoring the eyes burning on us. We finally got back and Hunter was calming everybody down. I noticed Luna wiping a tear of her grey face as they were talking.

"What's going on?"

"We're sorry Moon... Brax found Maxmillion... dead."

Brax layed there, still and his eyes were red from crying.

Moon stood there, eyes wide and her breath stopped. Silence filled the cave until Brax stood into his human form and went over to Moon.

"I... I am so sorry... it's my fault..."

"Nonsense... who ever did it needs to die."

He looked at me and the rest of us with obvious anxiety.

"Nobody killed him. He was hunting a rabbit. He caught it but lost his footing and fell to his death..."



"Stop bullshitting! You're lying! He didn't die! You just couldn't find him!"

He hugged her as she cried.

"It's over, Moon."

Luna slowly walked over to join the hug and so did I.

"We'll howl tonight in his honor."

"Thank you, Brax."

"Of course."

She leaned into his strong shoulder as he caressed her blonde hair.

"It's ok. It would've been so quick he wouldn't of even felt the pain."

She nodded and stepped back.

"I'm sorry, Wade. I know it wasn't your fault."

Wade peered at me, smiling through his sadness.

He walked toward me.

"This is what it's like being one of us, welcome, sylly."

He hugged me tightly before I relaxed into his arms and rested my head onto his shoulder.

He was warm, my cold body leaning into his embrace as his warm breath grazed the back of my neck before he took a step back.

"I'll help you with the ceremony, Sylly."

I nodded happily before he went back to Moon to comfort her more. I missed the feeling of his arms around me tightly in his cheery embrace, but I had to acknowledge Moon's grief.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I got us some food."

Moon pulled the meat from the bag and Wade's face lit up.

"Save that for tonight, Moony!"

"*Sniffle* I will"

He allowed his body onto a hammock he had found, relieving the pressure from his feet as he sighed.

"Today was a long one. Try to get some sleep guys."

I nodded as he closed his eyes and fell into a soft sleep.

I decided to check up on Luna and Moon.

"Luna? Moon? How are you guys holding up?"

Moon wiped a tear away and put her tough face back on.

"We're fine."

Luna looked worried and shook her head.

"Moon will recover. As much as she denies it, she needs a bit of support."

I nodded kindly before sitting by the fire. It was only sunset and I expected Wade was just raising his energy before the long series of ceremonies we had in front of us.

"Evening, lass."

I turned to see Brynyolf behind me.

"Hey, Bryn. How are you holding up?"

"Eh, I'm all right. How is Moon?"

"She'll be okay."

"Glad to 'ere it. Well, get ready, lass, you'll be a wolf by morning."

I nodded with determination and stood to look out of the entry of the cave. I had no idea how I felt about being turned to a wolf, but it's too late to back out now.

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