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hello reader,

this is written for you in the hopes of helping you if you're falling out of depression or a hard time. this book is yours as much as it is mine. i want you to know that i'm so proud of you for coming out of your issues and moving on with your wonderful life. the way i see depression or how it is for me is this : when i go through a relapse i feel that life stops for me and i'm stuck in a rut where everyone else is moving on with their lives around me. that mixed with the crippling anxiety of not succeeding in life is hell. now i must say this to clear some things up: depression is DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. there is no one form of depression or no specific way to feel. depression could be something totally different for you than it is for me. now time to start the book, enjoy.

faithfully yours,
yasemin <3

i am no expert in depression or mental health and do not claim to be in any shape or form, do not use this as a form of therapy or counseling and although my dms are always open and i'm happy to give advice please do not rely on my advice or company to help you through your issues. if you feel the need to see a psychologist/shrink/counselor please take that step in recovery and speak up about your issues. it is so important to let someone know what you're going through.

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