self harm/injury

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self harm and injury is such a complex and broad topic and to name all forms of it would take forever. to anyone whose dealt with this awful issue in the past or is still going through it i just want to tell you that you're so strong and i'm so proud of you.
your scars don't define you but they're apart of who you are. recognising that this chapter will soon be over or that it is over is so powerful.
you have to believe in yourself.

for me, self harm was like an addiction, so like any basic advice given to people struggling with any kind of addiction, throw away the items that fuel this addiction. it may be hard but if you are or were like me, throw away your razors or scissors. flush your blades down the toilet or throw them into the bin. don't get them back. it is so important that you build up this resistance to the urge to harm yourself.
it will take a while to get over self harming but my advice is try to avoid your triggers. and if you can't avoid them, try to build up a resistance to them.
something else i recommend is therapy. talking about or writing down your feelings is so important. it gives you an outlet to let everything out to that isnt your skin or yourself. your body is so precious, don't ruin it. your scars do not define you.
i love you all dearly and if i can help in any way please dm me!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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