Introduction myself

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Hello my name is Luna I'm 25 years old and got finished with school. Now I can call myself a housekeeper. What that is, you are asking? Well you are like a mother. You are cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry. I can now work everywhere, where I will be needed. It's a good job because it has a future and will be needed always even when the payment is much less than a business job.

But hey I love my job, it makes me happy to work and help people. Oh and before I forget it. I'm from germany. I live with my parents and my younger brother in a little town. I'm a huge fan of K-Pop. Especially BTS is my favourite Group but unfortunately I wasn't able to see them live for once. I don't have enough money or time to visit one of their concerts or going to Seoul. It's sad but at least I can buy their CD's and vote for them on the internet to support them.

Well mh now... I think it's time for telling you about one of the dreams I had. It's embarrassing somehow but well I really want to share my dream with you and what happened because... in my dream I'm not living in Germany, not with my parents.. No... I live in a small apartment in Seoul aaand... Na are you curious?? I bet you are!

Read more in the next chapter ;)

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