The dream about BTS (2)

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The dream about BTS (2)

The concert started!...

Tight fog appeared on the main Stage. Dancers came running on the Stage. Then the song "Not today" got played. Screaming with all the others and start singing with everyone as soon as RM's voice appeared. The 7 boys heated the stage up. The performance was incredible. You could see from the start how passionate they was in their singing and dancing, each of them.

After the first song followed right away the next and the next song then they took a break, to drink water and wiping the sweat off their faces and neck. It got really hot already and even I was sweating. I didn't had my phone or ARMY Bomb. My phone was in the car and an ARMY Bomb I didn't own so i just waved with my arm to them, calling the group name.

RM started talking in korean then in english. Weirdly I understood korean and english of course. Then the other members said something. It was really a great athmosphere in the big hall. Jungkook's "Make some noise!!" Let the fans screaming, me too and while we were screaming the music from "DNA" started. Followed by "Go go" and "fire" then the boys disappeared.

I was fully into the concert was singing and screaming and sweating. Luckily the security brought us water, drinking thirsty and wipe with a handkerchief the sweat from my forehead. The Stage got cleaned at the moment.

Again the big monitors showed us a movie, amazed watching it with all the others. But as soon it was over appeared BTS on the main Stage again with the song "so what" and right before RM started with his part stood Jungkook with Jimin on the bridge and they did the shoot dance the whole way. Jungkook looked so happy, Jimin almost tripped over his feets. I noticed out the eye corner RM and J-Hope but my view was focused on the shoot dance dancers until Jungkook stopped right in front of me. Screaming and waving while my heart almost broke through my chest. He bowed his head down to us and smiled, the girl next me was screaming so loud and I just smiled and made a fingerheart. Jungkook gave me a fingerheart back and jumped away.

Happy about that he noticed me, looking for the other members. Watching them until the performance ends and "Anpanman" started. Laughing because Jimin run away from RM to tease him. After the song came "Save me" then "I'm fine" and the medley out of the songs "Dope", " Run", "Fun boys" and "Baepsea".

They took a break to talk and calm down. Jimin sat down on the Stage near us and drinking water, he was sweating heavily and drinking much water before he got up again. RM and Jin also Suga told us that this concert would be a special concert because they would perform so many more of their songs than they usually do.

The vocal line disappeared and left on the Stage was RM, J-Hope and Suga. The three members wearing jacket and started with the song "Tear" followed by "Ddang" then the three disappeared and on the main Stage appeared V, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin with "Undelivered Truth" and "Lost". Now the Rap-Line was back and " Best of me", "Love Maze" and "Magicshop" got performed. They didn't made a break and performed "Mic Drop" and "Idol", after these songs they came to the T-Stage, again they talked for minutes.

I had completely forgot the time. The whole concert had hold me catched. I almost overheared as Jungkook said that they would perform now the last songs. "Dionysus", " Microcosmos" and the last song "Make it right". The boys walked over the whole stage, bowed, waved, and thanked the fans for coming and supporting them. In the end they was back on the main-Stage with the background dancers and bowed. Once again they screamed their thank you in the mics and left the stage. A big firework got fired up and the end movie got played. The hall got empty as the fans left their seats.

Also I was on the way to leave, almost forgot that I got the chance to meet BTS in the backstage. I got holden back from the girl and pulled on the side. We showed the security our pass and the man was talking through a mic then calling someone with his phone.

It took maybe a few minutes as a woman and a man with BTS staff printed on their jackets appeared and lead us, we got of course checked from the security first. We followed them and I got the felling to be in a labyrinth. I hoped someone would lead us back because I would sure get lost here. Soon we went up stairs and again through a labyrinth of long corridors until we came to a door with Artist BTS on it and waited while the woman went in the room and closed the door.

I felt tired and exhausted from the concert. But the boys was sure more exhausted and tired than me. It passed minutes already as finally the door got opened again and the woman told us to come in. The tiredness disappeared and the nervousness came back. The girl stepped in first and I just followed her. The room was really big and everywhere was chairs and staff members but as soon we was there they left the room. The 7 boys sat on a big black couch, already wearing different clothes and their hairs was fixed.

The girl bowed and told her name and I did the same. The boys stood up and greeted us. Taehyung came closer followed by Jimin. A shy smile appeared on my lips, someone came in the room but I didn't payed attention as I was looking at every member. They asked us questions and we too. We got autograph on our Shirts and made a group photo.

I felt so small as I stood between Jimin and Jungkook, my face was sure red as I smiled shy in the camera. As the photo was done I asked Jungkook for a photo with me and he nods. My heart was going crazy even more in my chest as he was much more closer to me. As the photo was done the staff told us we would have 10 minutes still before we had to go. Jungkook brought a chair and told me to sit and Hoseok gave me a glass with water. I didn't looked for the girl what she was doing because Jungkook had catched my whole attention. He was busy rescueing a pack of chips before Jimin who was whinning. Giggles and cover my mouth but the both had already noticed it. Blush and gulps "catch!" Jungkook threw the chips at me and I could luckily catch it. He iled while Jimin pouts "it's yours" he said as i was looking at him confused "ah oh..thank you" stutter and he just said "cute" what let me blush again, looking away and Jungkook just laughed amused, now it was me who was pouting.

We talked again until we got brought from the security out the hall. A ladt time I looked back with a bright happy smile before everything got black around me....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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