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❝ Let me inside,
wish I could get to know you


"So, what do you think?" Juniper Wheeler asked in the same bubbly voice she'd been using, ever since she had ambushed her on her way to the Chemistry lab room to talk about the Fundrasing and Homecoming Committees.

"It sounds great" Sophie nodded, managing to give her a smile, quite frankly she felt too confused to say or do anything else. She'd expected her to be mean or at least talk to her in the same passive-aggressive voice she always used to five years ago. Yet for the past ten minutes, she'd been acting as if they were old friends when they'd been anything but.

Back then, Juniper refused to be nice to anyone outside her bible study group, which of course she was president of. She was also the president of publicly criticizing anyone who didn't act like her and refused to acknowledge anyone who didn't practice her same religion, calling it 'science fiction'.

All of which were more than enough reasons for Sophie to just outright ignore her, which seemed like a sentiment everyone shared back then but from what she'd heard, things had changed so much in the past few years, that Juniper had somehow become not only head of almost every student council related committee but was also president of student council now.

Though, it did seem in character with what Riverwood had become "Great!" she chirped with a wide grin "We're gonna have so much fun!"

She had to believe this was some kind of 'getting the half-new girl up to speed' thing or something the student committees did as a way to get the student's opinions first hand, but she had to admit she was starting to get freaked out by it. She'd almost made it sound like a pitch to join the committees, which is something she would've expected from Jo, considering she suggested she'd join the Homecoming Committee when she'd first mentioned it but she didn't expect Juniper, of all people, to ask her to join. They had a bad history, that and the fact that she wouldn't have been caught dead talking to her five years ago.

"Yeah, sounds like you guys are gonna make homecoming a night to remember" Sophie added, trying to sound as supportive and polite as she could.

"We are going to make it a night to remember and not just homecoming, now that you're in the Fundraising committee you'll get to join in all the fun for future dances and events" Juniper gushed and it took Sophie a second to realize what she was saying.

"Wait- I'm in the what now—?"

"Fundraising and planning committees" she cut in with a nod.

"I am?" Sophie frowned, not really understanding how Juniper had arrived to that conclusion from their conversation, it even made her wonder if at some point she'd completely spaced out and had unintentionally agreed to join.

LIMERENCE ⇥ KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now