Boromir's Stand

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"Right, sorry," Percy sighed and hurriedly got up before she could hit him again.

"Don't follow him back to the river though," she said as he dusted off his pants. "Aragorn might need your help."

"But Aragorn's right know what? Never mind," Percy shook his head and started off, discreetly following the ring bearer. "Why do I bother questioning her? She'll whack me again anyways or throw something at me..." His muttering trailed off as he walked away, ducking as a shoe found it's way to his head, flying through the air. "See? 'Watch out for that one,' Dad said. 'She's got a heck of an arm.' Do I want to know how he knew that? No, thank you very much. Might find out the hard way...."


"Over here! These ugly things are getting in my face and I don't like it!"

"Don't do anything you'll regret!" Annabeth called as she grew closer to the clanging where he was and shot the orc he was fighting in the head. "Frodo?" Annabeth asked, looking around. She didn't see him but that didn't mean anything. Hobbits are so small. She saw Aragorn fighting a couple of orcs though.

"He has gone," Aragorn answered.

"Got clear just before the uglies showed up," Percy finished with a grunt as the orc's blade connected with his with more force than he expected.

"Good," Annabeth sighed in relief as she shot another orc between the eyes.

"Find the halfling! Find the halfling!"

That was the orc in charge of course.

"Find the halfling!" Percy mocked. "Oh, shut up you big pile of rotten flesh!"

Annabeth hid a laugh by shooting at the orc in front of her.

Aragorn leapt off the structure he'd ended up on just in time to catch a few of the monsters. By the time he got up, Legolas and Gimli showed up.

"Aragorn, go!" Legolas cried, joining Annabeth in shooting the orcs down.

"Percy, take care of this, I want to see it!" Annabeth shouted before taking off after Aragorn.

"No way! I'm coming with you! There'll be plenty of uglies where you're going, I'm sure."

"Fine," she bit out, reaching back and stabbing an 'ugly' in the eye with an arrow.

They ran, Legolas and Gimli following, cutting down as many orcs as they came across until they heard a horn.

"The Horn of Gondor," Legolas said and took off, leaving them behind.

"C'mon, Perce, we gotta go!" Annabeth shouted, putting on another burst of speed.

"Can't we save him?" Percy said. "You know I've been working on that water travel thing. Maybe I can-"

"Percy, we're not here to change things," she cut him off.

"We haven't done that just by being here?" Percy said incredulously.

"Surprisingly, no," she answered.

"So trying to water travel there won't change much, will it?" Percy pushed.

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