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Izuku blushed and sighed softly. He began gathering up the papers, Shouto helping. They got the mess cleaned up quickly, and Shouto grabbed the now empty plate. They left the room, walking into the dining room. The Bakugous were standing in the Midoriya's living room. Inko and Mitsuki seemed to have just pulled away from an embrace, and the adults were now chattering. 

Katsuki was standing near the wall and didn't seem to want to be there. He glanced up from his phone and immediately glared at Shouto. "The fuck is he doing here?" He growled. "Katsuki, language," Mitsuki barked from across the room. "Whatever," Katsuki grumbled. He continued to glare at Shouto before looking at Izuku. "Answer the question Deku." Izuku bit his lip slightly and looked down. "He invited me over to study," Shouto said. He could tell Izuku was nervous, and likely scared of Katsuki. "Why does it matter Bakugou? Can't I spend time at my boyfriend's house?" Izuku turned red at Shouto's words but smiled slightly. 

Katsuki growled lowly, almost protectively. "When did that happen? The two of you?" Shouto smirked slightly and crossed his arms. "We could ask the same of you and Kirishima," he said. Katsuki growled lowly and immediately stuffed his phone into his pocket. "Kacchan and Eijirou?" Izuku asked, seemingly clueless. "How did you not pick that up Izu? They haven't exactly tried to hide it," Shouto said, looking down at Izuku. Izuku blushed darker at the nickname and shook his head. "I mean.. I've noticed.. but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.." Izuku mumbled. 

Shouto huffed softly and gently took the plate from Izuku's hands. "I'm going to take this to the kitchen, you talk to your friend," he said softly, giving Katsuki a look that said touch him and I'll kill you. He walked into the kitchen with the plate, Inko soon following. Mitsuki and Masaru and took their seats at the table. Katsuki went to sit down as well, fishing his phone out of his pocket. Izuku quietly went into the kitchen to help his mom and Shouto serve the food. 

"I told you to go talk to Bakugou," Shouto said softly as Izuku walked past. Izuku just shook his head and grabbed two plates. Shouto huffed softly and the two plates that were left on the counter. Inko glanced at the two boys before carrying the two plates in her hands out of the kitchen, Izuku and Shouto following close behind. The three of them served the plates and took their seats. 

Mitsuki smacked Katsuki on the back of the head, telling him to put his phone away. "Don't tell me what to do old hag," he growled. Mitsuki smacked him again and snatched his phone. His eyes widened, but quickly relaxed when she didn't look at the messages. Katsuki huffed and turned to his food, glaring at Izuku from across the table. Izuku bit his lip and pushed his food around, clearly nervous about having Katsuki around. Shouto, noticing Izuku's nnervousness, quietly slipped his hand into Izuku's under the table, giving it a light reassuring squeeze. Izuku smiled softly and squeezed back before returning his attention to his food.

The adults talked about this and that. Adult stuff. Izuku and Shouto seemed to be having some silent conversation, in their own little bubble. Katsuki was glaring at his food, wanting his phone back. "Hey, De- Izuku," Katsuki grumbled. Izuku jumped slightly and looked at Katsuki. "Yes, Kacchan?" "You still go those clothes I left here over the summer? I didn't think to bring anything because I was hoping to be able to go home," Katsuki grumbled, picking at his food. Izuku nodded. "Yes, you never came to get them and I never brought them back to you.." Katsuki nodded. Shouto watched and listened silently, feeling unnecessary at the moment. Izuku smiled softly and squeezed Shouto's hand.

~Time skip cause I'm lazy and want to get this chapter done~

Once everyone was finished, Mitsuki and Inko gathered the dishes and carried them to the kitchen to begin washing them. Masaru also helped to clean the table off and helped clean the kitchen. He was quiet for the most part, only speaking when necessary. Mitsuki had given Katsuki his phone back so he'd stay quiet. The three boys sat in the living room, Katsuki on his phone as Izuku and Shouto watched a movie the green-haired boy had chosen. Shouto let Izuku snuggle into his side, happily running his fingers through curly green hair. 

Inko and Mitsuki walked into the living room for Mitsuki to say goodbye. Inko smiled and snapped a picture of Izuku and Shouto. "You two are cute," Mitsuki commented. Izuku blushed and hid his face. Mitsuki smiled before turning to Katsuki with a hard look. "You behave brat. I'll come and get you tomorrow afternoon." Katsuki glared at his mother and crossed his arms grumpily. "Don't give me that look Katsuki. I brought you into the world, I can take you out of it." "Now now, let's not start a fight Mitsuki. Be good Katsuki, we'll be going now," Masaru said. Inko walked them to the door, and goodbyes were exchanged. 

(867 words excluding the author's note)

(heyyyyyyy sorry for this tRaSh. I'm updating for a certain person specifically cause they've been bothering me for months(?) Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll update again as soon as I can..)

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