Chapter 2 Whats Happening

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(no pov)
Flug Worked effortlessly getting his work done when black hat came in the room to take the weapon a hero broken into the lab and took flug!!!

{blackhats pov}

The hero took flug if I hit I could kill FLUG I need my scientist I can't do that I can't lose him but why would I feel this way the hero got away with flood and it's all my fault I didn't stop him I need to get him back And that's all I know

(Flugs pov)
I was kidnapped by a damn hero how could I let this happen I can be executed for working with black hat but maybe if I say I was forced no that won't work so many thoughts are going through my head how do I fix this how can I get back to black hat why didn't want to be with him it makes no sense why would I want to he's so mean nothing makes sense to heroes brought me into a room it was white almost like an asylum!!!!

" l l let g go of m me h hero scum!!!"

The heroes could tell I was scared and threw me into The room not really caring an hour later a therapist came in the room. He started asking me questions of course I refused every single one eventually I heard screaming in the halls I figured maybe was just a hero gone rogue I started to listen to the therapist as he called me Mr.slys no one calls me that I want to ask him why did he called me that before I could finish any of my sentence blackhat bursted through the door picking me up bridal style and teleporting home. I started shaking why did he call me Mr. slys if I can find out my last name slys Will he kill me I was shaking and crying not even realizing it blackhat saw the fear and huged me!!! Why why .

(No pov)
Flug was blushing Realizing that black hat was hugging him and hugged back. black hat liked the thought that flug Was hugging him and still saw that he was trembling black hat lifted up the bag on his face just enough to see his pink glossy lips and kissed him. flug Was blushing like a red tomato black hats blush was a tint of green.  He could flug was now relaxed and layed him down leaving. He was mad at himself for liking the kiss and letting himself blush He didn't understand what any of that meant.

(Flugs pov)

"H he k k kissed m me?? B but w w why"

Why would you kiss me I can stop thinking about it he put me on the bed where even am i??  I look around the room it doesn't look like mine why did it look dark scary... Wait it could be is this???BLACKHATS ROOM??Why would you put me in here I thought he didn't like anyone in his room why did he just leave me here so many thoughts started going through my head as I saw a black cat walked back in the door with a plate of food.

"H hi b b blackh hat s s sir"

For some reason I cannot stop stuttering worse than I usually do why was I so nervous wait don't tell me that I actually enjoyed the kiss?

(No pov)
Of course flug knew what love was but he has never been in love before it was strange something new for flug.Blackhat looked over at flug and gave hime the food "when was the last time you ate?" Black hat said giving him a menacing glare trying to act like he always does. "I d d dont remember t the last time s sir" flug responded with a worry tone he doesn't understand my his boss he's being nice why would he just got captured for being week he just feels and experiment why would the evil villian black hat want to help.

(Flugs pov)

Blackhat told me to eat and i did as told. Black hat started to look concerned and ran over to me everything starting to get blurry I fall over I was over exhausted I was tired I needed to rest

(No pov)

Blackhat was Concerned for his scientist he made sure that he lay down properly he put a sleeping pill in flugs Food to get him to sleep he felt bad but he doesn't remember the last time flug slept he watches him as he sleeps until he reaches over and grabs black hats sleeve his lip showing a little saying please don't leave me black hat he said it soft but it was audible black hat felt like his cold heart melted what is happening.

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