Chapter 4 what now?

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Blackhats pov)

What now it's all I could think about I didn't ask him out or anything it's too early and when if he lied about liking me just so I wouldn't kill him I needed to know I walked down to the lab and scooped Flug in a way that was hugging him "flug  I want you to make me a rate something that will benefit anyone make the rain so anyone can get shot with it tells the truth nothing but the truth please?"  I said it nice to him I don't know why I felt like I needed to do that flug startled by the way I talk to him I could tell

(Flugs pov)
All i felt was blackhat hug me and as me to make a ray so i did i needed to try it so i did on me and when i hit the button to make it hit me i screamed all i saw was blackhat run to me but everything went black but i woke up and couldent move myself my body was moving on its own along with talking
"HaHaHaHaHaHahaHaHa  HEEELLLLO BLACKHAT ITS A PLEASURE TO BE HERE " blackhat looked scared and i realized i had a knife pointing twards him "WHATS WRONG DIDNT YOU WANT A VILLAN AHHA....." i saw blackhat get stabed and he teliported behind me he knew i was uncontios but how "WHATS WRONG I THOUGHT U HATED EVERYONE INFACT FLUG IS TRYING TO STOP ME FROM KILLING YOU I COULD DO IT NOW AND END IT HE WOULD CRY HAHAHAHAH" blackhat looked pissed off and just stayed quite "OH WONT DEFEND YOURSELF HE IS GETTING WEEKER HE CAN HEAR YOU!!!" He stayed quite i didnt struggle and thought he hated me everything went dark again "HAHAHAHAH HE GAVE UP WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW         R U N    A W A Y   WILE YOU CAN~" i could hear barly anymore  other them him growl and my body hitting the floor the knife was still heading twords blackhat but i snaped out of it being able to see
"NOOO IM SUPOSED TO KILL HIM STOP!!!" I was on the ground panting now " B BlackHaT g gUn n nOw" i was in so much pain i didnt know what to do everything was hurting blackhat didnt understand and i lost control and took off the bag it wasnt me

" i saw blackhat get stabed and he teliported behind me he knew i was uncontios but how "WHATS WRONG I THOUGHT U HATED EVERYONE INFACT FLUG IS TRYING TO STOP ME FROM KILLING YOU I COULD DO IT NOW AND END IT HE WOULD CRY HAHAHAHAH" blackhat looked ...

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"Do you still care for the prophetic worm I mean look at him!! Dont you hate humans they always break your heart don't they." Blackhat looks speechless but also upset

(Blackhats pov)
Oh god he's human maybe if I didn't say hated them so much he could've told me how did he know I hated them like that he's not like thsy he wouldn't betray me what he would just break my heart like everyone else I mean I've tried relationships before but none of them worked maybe I should kill him but what if I did the wrong thing then and I lost lost him What if you meant every word he said earlier I know this is in him it's the ray talking not him.i reversed the ray and pointed at flug

[no pov]
They both struggled on what to do Blackhat shot Flug with the ray as he turned normal and fall limp on the floor Flug wasn't waking up He was quiet blackhat look concerned running over to him

(Blackhat pov)
I ran towards him he looked unconscious I picked him up bridal style taking him to a room his room laying him on his bed what am I gonna do.What did I get myself into I brushed my fingers through his hair admiring how soft it felt kissing him on the cheek or he had a bruise I didn't know what it was from but the thing that caught my eye the most the cuts on his arms was he doing this to himself or were they already taken care enough I really hope he didn't do it I'll ask him when he wakes up.

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