Chapter 2 -Friendship-

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They both feel awkward to each other especially Camilla...

CAMILLA:Y-You again?.
JOHN LEE: Yeah it's me again..What a coincidence (and I'm really glad that this is what happened) he whispered.

"Of all people why him?duhhhh" Camilla said in her mind.


Then their teacher enters the classroom. and says "Good Morning Class" then the class aswered "Good Morning Cher".

By the way class I wanted you to all know that I am Sir Jayson Derulo your adviser for the SY 2020-2021. So let me tell you all first that I am not a kind of strict teacher, I'll be giving you your freedom. So if thats where the sit you wanted to be, claim it!

TEACHER: Yes what is it?
CAMILLA: None Cher


Okay class you can have now your break time..

*Break time*

JOHN: So what's your name?
CAMILLA: Sorry what?
JOHN: Your name? I said
CAMILLA: AHHHH my name is Camilla Rosas
JOHN: AHHHH nice meeting you..BTW. My name is John LEE.

Camilla just answered him with a hesitant smile..Then John Lee asks her again. "Can we be friends?". And Camilla answered him "yes". (I think he's a kind of good person though, so why not ?.There is no problem about being friend like it's not really not a big deal, really not a big deal).

As they had their break John go to his friend at their dance room or their own studio..Well F4 is a dance group that are very well known group in their City that's why they had their own room at their school. They are being sponsored to their City's Supremo. While Camilla waste her time in walking and looking around at her new school. And suddenly she pass the studio where John and his group where there. So she stopped because the music catched her attention and so she stopped and take a glimpse on it..

Camilla: Oh my G! They really are good dancers.. I have only heard that group and haven't see them at all. I don't believe at it but to what I see they're really good.And their song choice was so cool and just so amzing. But why are they only three?.I thought they are four and why are they wearing jacket and hood together with mask...Is it cold inside? HAHAHAHAHA  (asking herself)

Then someone tap her at her back.

"Hey!" Why don't you go inside?..
Camilla: No way...I mean no who are you?
Hey it's me I'm John...Why are you wearing hood and mask...Sorry I thought you are a stranger HAHAHAHAHAHA..
JOHN: Its part of our costume..We are having our last rehearsal for our performance next Sunday.
CAMILLA: Costume? Performance?...(then she just noticed that John is also wearing the same outfit as the three boys inside the studio)
JOHN: Why? Don't you know?
CAMILLA: So you're one of them?
JOHN: Yeah I am
CAMILLA: For real?
JOHN: Yes!(He answered her with a smile with his face)
JOHN: Do you want to go inside?
JOHN:. Of course you can
CAMILLA: Really?
JOHN: Do I look like I'm joking?

Then they go inside the studio..And John introduced her in his group..

JOHN: Hey Guys!
ADRIAN: Who is she?
MARK: Is she your new girlfriend?
JOHN: Nnnno she's not but hopefully soon.Joke!
JOHN: Nothing...BTW. she is Camilla my new classmate and my new friend.
CAMILLA: Yah nice meeting you all
TIAN: Nice meeting you too. (Then shake hands)

Then John immediately take Tians hand from their hand shakes. (And from it John is already showing his interest to CAMILLA)

CAMILLA: Your studio is really good...
ADRIAN: YAH it really is...Btw. you want some water?  Or juice?
MARK: We have everything here
CAMILLA: I see but I'm okay...

I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY BESTFRIENDWhere stories live. Discover now