Chapter3 -The Confession-

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So weird but it's really true...Love starts with friendship..Love is something that is really hard to explain...

JOHN: Hey Camilla!
CAMILLA: Yes what is it?
JOHN: Can I ask you for a date?
JOHN: I said can I ask you for a dinner?
CAMILLA: Sorry but I'm a kind of busy ATM....I have a lot of things to do...I'm really sorry
JOHN: No it's fine I was just joking

It wasn't a joke at all its true....Johns in mind....I am just afraid to all what if?...What if she doesn't likes me?..What if she'll get rid of me?..What if she change?..What if she like someone else? John said.

It's already February 12 and one day to go it's VALENTINES DAY... John is planning to tell Camilla all his feelings unto her even he is so nervous to what's gonna happen next if he tell his feelings...He is scared of losing her...but he can't find the answer if he's not going to try anything though...

After one day....

It's already February 14 Valentine's day and the F4 is part of the said program in their school where they will perform something special for this occasion...

John plans to tell his feeling after their performance...He really is so excited...He haven't sleep at all just for his preparation... Like it's not his first time to like someone but it is his first time to be serious to someone...


MC: Let me greet you a very Happy Valentine's day...Happy Heart day!!!.. Especially to those who are in love..

Camilla and John are together..As the MC starts talking in front they've looked to one another...

CAMILLA: That MC looks so inlove... it was shown in her looks and the way she talks really means that she is deeply in love
JOHN: Yeah she really was....Uhmmm..
CAMILLA: What is it?..
JOHN: Uhmmm... Can you stay here later when we are there to perform?
CAMILLA: Sure... Of course I dont want to missed my best friends performance... Like duhhhh your the best dancer I've ever met... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
JOHN: Really?..or you're just boosting me
CAMILLA: No I'm not... I am just stating the fact...
JOHN:. Fine...

MC: For the special number may I call on the F4....

And the students in the campus all shouts and just looked to the F4 until their performance end..

MC: Thank you F4...Wanna say something... No no no I mean are you guys liking someone already?..You wanna know girls?(she shouts) then the students answered her (of course shouting)...

Then John get the microphone....

*Then all the students were shocks*

JOHN: I'm sorry to interfere but I just wanna say something.....
MC: sure...
JOHN: First of all I want to greet you all a happy Valentine's day... you might be thinking now why I get this mic. It simply because this the day where I plan to confess my feelings...

*Then crowds were shocked again and asking who was the lucky girl he's talking*

JOHN: This day I want to tell her that I am inlove with her...It's no longer crush but I already fell in love with her...

Then John walks to the way where Camilla was...Camilla was so nervous and have no idea what it was...Then John holds Camilla's hand and take her in front....


"Camilla I do like you...I was also surprised that just one day all this feeling changed...I know that we're friends but as the days goes by I'm becoming more inlove with you...I don't know what to do.. But Everytime I look and stares to you there is something in you that can easily change my mood... You are always there for me and you've never leave me even once....You are there in my ups and downs.. You are the reason why I want to go to school everyday... Sitting next to you  is such a great experience... I know you might change after my confession..But I tried... I tried to avoid this feeling but I can't... I really can't.. I am crazy inlove with you... I want to know if I have a chance ?... Do I have a chance?...." John said while kneeling...


" Sorry John but you know i am not yet ready.....I am still not interested for any kind of relationship other than friendship... You knew that I am not yet allowed for that kind of relationship... It's not that I don't feel the same thing... But it's that just I am really not into relationship... I'm really sorry but even how much I like to try it's not really time for that.... I'm really sorry..." Camilla said while crying....

*Crowds are also disappointed also*

Though John is that famous but Camilla used to be so kind and intelligent student in the campus that's let's just say that she is also a famous one because of her achievements...

After her last words sorry Camilla leaves...

(I know it's crazy..  it's crazy to fall in love..  like we should learn how to wait for the right time...Not because you two love each other doesn't mean that it's the right time for love.. Not because someone rejects you doesn't mean that they doesn't like you, maybe they are just waiting for the right time... )


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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