Dragons Never Rest Ch. 12

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Katrina's POV

I heard them whispering, they must think I'm crazy. They must think I was faking it, there's always something going on. Who was this Karai anyway? How was she related to the turtles? 

Raph walked into well our room and looked stressed. He was chewing on a toothpick, a nervous habit oh his. "I'm not crazy Raph I swear!" "I know you're not, no one thinks you are. We just need you to tell us what happened in this vision." I nodded and followed him out into the main room where everyone was waiting on us.

After explaining the vision to everyone they were all either shocked or confused. "Describe Karai." Leo squinted as I described her, "She had short black hair, dark eyes, kinda tan, taller than me. If she's Shredder's daughter is she evil too?" Everyone looked at Leo, "Leo doesn't think so, the rest of us are convinced she is just a mini-Shredder." Mikey answered my question with some hatred drawing on, he always had a happy tone in his voice. 

 I looked to Master Splinter. "What should we do?" "Train tomorrow. I shall meditate on this matter." 

Leo's POV

I still didn't believe it, how could Katrina be a visionary? I paced my room, I heard everyone else was up as well. Casey and April had left hours ago, glancing at the clock it was 5 in the morning. "We got a hit!" 

As we headed to the site of crime Donnie gave us details, "It's the Purple Dragons, Hun is with them. They're stealing some type of bomb." Everyone was silent, we were all so tired. Once we arrived at the site it seemed to be a toy factory but the inside told a whole nother story. Hiding in the rafters we overheard Hun on the phone, "Stockman you better get what's left of you over here and fix this bomb before you're just a brain."

Stockman was working for Hun? "Leo what are we waiting on?!" Raph whispered growling, "Don't be hot headed right now there's a bomb down there." "Down there is the man who attacked my girlfriend as well." 

"Raph stop now." For once Raph silenced himself, I jumped down from the rafters onto a 16-wheeler first. Hun turned as the rest of my brothers landed on the truck, "Well isn't it the love sick puppies." Raph growled from my side but didn't attack, "Get this bomb rolling we have a visit with the mayor." 

"Donnie, Mikey after the bomb. Raph and I will handle Hun." 

Raph didn't hesitate to knock Hun on his back, with every punch or kick he spoke. "Don't... ever... touch.. her again!" Raph sent Hun flying to the wall, even the Dragons I was busy fighting stopped in awe. "Retreat!" Hun's loyal dragons ran for the trucks, "Raph let's go Mikey and Donnie might need us." After hotwiring a truck we went after the truck with the bomb, Mikey was on top fighting dragons, "I'm going up there get me close." Raph climbed out and on top of the truck's hood, getting him close enough I saw him jump. 

Raph's POV

Even after we deactivated the bomb and left the scene I was furious at seeing Hun. I was surprised Leo wasn't yelling at me for messing up in the fight. Once we were in the lair I saw Katrina was sparring with Master Splinter with an advanced bow, she seemed to be pretty good at it. 

"Donnie, what is that thing?" Leo didn't seem pleased to see my mate using a 21st-century weapon, "She's using a compound bow, it's a modern type of the old fashion wooden bow and arrow." "Like Robin Hood?" Leave it to Mikey to ask a stupid question, "Yes shell-for-brains." I smacked him upside the head and sat down watching the fight. 

Katrina got some piece of hairs off Splinter but lost once he had her run out of arrows and knocked the bow itself out her hand. Katrina stood and bowed, she turned to me. She was sweaty and her muscles bulged from her body, "How'd it go?" "Good, are you going to be fighting with us?" "I'm not s-" "No she will not." Before I could punch Leo, Katrina grabbed my hand. 

"I'm not ready yet," She gave a glare at him while his back was turned, Leo was being hot and cold. "I explained the vision to Splinter he thinks I can see the future. Crazy right? I think I just had a random dream." I said nothing as we watched TV with my brothers. 

Donnie flipped the TV to some animal station "Really Don? Not this crud." "Hush Raph that's a hawksbill sea turtle, they're dying out quicker than their reproduction rate itself. Aren't they beautiful?" I saw Katrina had moved from my lap to two inches from the TV. "Why can't they reproduce more then?"

"Well the hawks-bill only mate maybe once every two to three years and lay maybe 50 or more eggs at a time, those eggs must hatch on their own and get to the water on their own since the eggs are laid in sand. Predators like birds and snakes eat the eggs or when the turtle hatches. Even if they turtle makes it to the sea there isn't a large chance they'll survive sea predators or find food. Humans can kill them for sport or accidental gas or nuclear leaks that may only destroy the environment but that causes the turtles to die of starvation." 

At least Katrina explained things without large sciencey words that Donnie used, "Damn that blows." She nodded and kept watching the turtle swim in the ocean, the channel changed and Katrina looked back growling but stopped. 

"My soap is on in 5 minutes, the television is all yours once it is over." Katrina walked off into the dojo, I followed her. She was doing target practice, "How do you already know how to shoot a bow?" "In high school, they taught us the basics, I picked up everything else when I went out by myself." "You seem to like being by yourself." She laughed, "I see you do too." 

"What are you talking about?" "I think it was you that night, you were running on rooftops and you stopped at the building across from mine, you heard me singing that night." I smirked, "I'm admitting nothing," "Well I haven't seen that person come back in weeks and I haven't seen another person with a figure of a 7-foot tall turtle." 

"Whatever," She laughed and kept shooting, her last arrow was a bulls-eye. "I don't think I'll ever fight with you guys anyway." "Why not? Casey and April do," "I'm just, your enemies use me to get to you guys I think I should lay low." "Can't really lay low with us, we have lots of enemies." 

I regretted saying that after seeing the blood drain from her face. "Like you said, we need to get ready and that's what we're doing OK?" She sighed, "Yea okay." "Come on let's go to bed Ms.Arrow."

Unkown's POV

"Father are you sure you should fight these creatures and their pet? You saw what they did to the cover operation?" "They defeated me as a 'human', as an utrom they can't. The Shredder shall return stronger than ever!" "Many of your followers also believe you are dead, what should we do about them?" "They are no use to me, I will end their miserable lives soon enough young Karai." 


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