Yoyo (Optimus X Yoyo Champion!Reader)

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A/N: Got inspiration from the video above, imagine (Y/N) doing that somewhere into the story. Comment down below if you've ever tried to use/play with a yoyo. Also Optimus knows how to play with a yoyo since he played with one back on cybertron, it's just called differently. Viddy above is not mine, hope you all enjoy!

3rd pov

The base was relatively quiet, all the kids were doing their own things, Miko doing her overdue homework with Raf. Jack sat on the couch typing away at a science report, next to him sat a (H/C) haired girl who was playing with her phone. (Y/N) was a relatively quiet person, she would usually be seen playing with her phone or studying, only one of the two. Placing down her phone, the young girl stretched as she looked around. She found out about the Autobots because she was walking home from school when she saw Optimus and Megatron fight. Due to that unfortunate incident, she was under Optimus' custody and was his charge. (Y/N) shook her head as she took her earphones out of her ear, heading towards her (F/C) bag to get something.

(Y/N) Pov

'Where is it? I swear I placed it in here somewhere.' I sigh frustratedly rummaging though my bag. I was looking for my favorite (F/C) yoyo that was given to me by my Father. I loved playing with it, I even chose to compete in yoyo championships because of it. I was pretty good at doing tricks but I knew I could keep learning and getting better. Ever since my family moved here, I was only able to play with my yoyo in my spare time. 'I guess now would be as good as a time to play with it. It'll be just like my old times when I had an audience, If the bots decide to watch me.' I continued looking through my bag, finally finding the shiny (F/C) yoyo. I place it next to me as I turned back and looked for my yoyo glove. My fingers would always hurt when I played with my yoyo so my dad bought me a yoyo glove, it's supposed to lessen the pressure the string applies to your finger. I remember all the moments I spent learning tricks with my yoyo, each one bringing warmth to my heart. I finally get ready and do some simple tricks with my yoyo, easily gaining Miko's attention. "Wow (Y/N)! I didn't know you knew how to play with a yoyo!" She ran up to me just as I finished another trick. "I used to be a yoyo champion, I just stopped competing since I moved here." I told her, shrugging slightly. It wasn't a big deal for our generation to be good at using a yoyo since it was usually seen as an old-school toy. "How many more tricks do you know? Can you do them?!" Miko asked me, eyes pleading for a yes. I sigh and nod as I gesture for her to move a bit farther from me. 'Well, here goes!' I said starting to do the routine I had practiced and so meticulously planned back then. (A/N: Imagine (Y/N) as the kid in the video above) As I finished my routine, I bowed and realized all the bots were looking at me, even my guardian Optimus. "Wow, where did you learn how to play with a cyclone (Y/N)?" I looked at Ratchet with an eyebrow raised, I don't even know what a cyclone is, if he's referring to my yoyo, then I wonder if any of the bots knows how to play. "You mean my yoyo? I learned how to play with it from my dad. I also watched some online tutorial videos to help learn more as I went." I told him, looking at the toy in my hands. "Cyclone? Wait do you guys also know how to play then?" Raf piped up, suddenly interested in the conversation. "I don't know how to play, Optimus did though, he was an expert on cyclone tricks back when he was Orion Pax." My eyes widened, Optimus? The leader of the Autobots, my guardian and stone-faced friend, knows how to play a yoyo?! It also seems like the team didn't know, shock was very evident on their faceplates. Ratchet gave Optimus something and nudged him toward us, Prime looked reluctant though, as if he didn't want to do it. 'Let's see what tricks you know Optimus.' I think, determined to see what my guardian had in store for us to see.

Optimus Pov

I don't even know how I got, what you humans would say: 'Roped into this'. I was typing away on the monitor, decoding files here and there, then I took notice of (Y/N), my human charge playing with what seemed to be a smaller version of a cyclone. A toy I was very familiar with since I used to do tricks with it all the time. I was partly intrigued by the conversation between the team after (Y/N) finished her little show. I soon decided to get back to work, but just as I turned back to the monitor Ratchet decided to tell everyone that I knew how to play with a cyclone, or what it's called here on earth, a yoyo. Now, I'm in the middle of the room, a cyclone, that Ratchet probably made, in my servos. I sighed, there's no way of of this situation. All their expectant stares also encouraged me to show how good I was doing tricks with the said toy. 'If a show is what they want, a show is what they will get.' I did a basic trick to get warmed up, wide optics looking at my every move. 'How long has it been since I played with this?' I thought, my spark swarming with determination, I put the cyclone back into servo and started to do some tricks. (A/N: imagine the kid down there is Optimus)

I bowed after my performance, cheers erupting all around me. "You knew how to play with a yoyo all this time Optimus? How come you didn't tell me?" I turned my helm and saw (Y/N) looking at me incredulously, her face was riddled with shock as if the war had just ended. "You never asked." I replied teasingly, allowing a small smile to rest on my face. "Not cool Opti..." My charge replied, pouting a bit, I chuckled at her behavior teasing her again. "The tricks or that I didn't tell you." I smirked, doing another trick with the cyclone. "Opti~" She whined, aware that I was messing with her. "(Y/N/N)~" I whined back, sticking my glossa out at her and throwing around the toy. "Both." (Y/N) said, huffing and crossing her arms, earning a laugh from me. Now, I believe playing with this around the others is more enjoyable than I had first thought.


"(Y/N) I don't believe a cyclone would be a very useful weapon in battle." "Come on, you know you could get hurt by playing with it. You know a lot of tricks! Isn't there one that involves throwing it at someone's Helm?"

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