Saros' Return

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

At last, everything seems to have returned back to normal after a few weeks. Even the press has started to lay off, though, some networks are still persistent. Work has been well, and I've been going outside to enjoy life, doing my best to distract my thoughts of Saros, and, finally, he has gone to the back of my mind. I'm not saying that our encounter meant nothing and that I don't still worry about him, but at least he's not the first thing I think of every day. I came back home today after going to a falafel place for dinner, carrying a to-go box with my leftovers inside, and pull out my key from my new purse.

I managed to replace everything that was stolen, thankfully, and have cancelled all the cards I kept in my wallet so that they can't be used by the villain's minions or whoever took my stuff. I twist the knob and step inside only to find the lights on and a person standing in front of the sliding doors that lead to the balcony. I stand, frozen, unsure of how to react upon meeting familiar, ice blue eyes. Saros stands with his arm in a sling and cast, his face riddled with bruises, though, they can hardly be seen with the patches of skin that resemble the night sky. My gaze falls on his right arm, which seems fine, but is holding my neighbor's cat, Gerard.

"Saros?" I breathed out his name in disbelief, wondering if he really is standing in my apartment as I shut the door behind me, not taking my eyes off him once. He nods his head slightly, waiting for me to react. Likely, he expected me faint or to tell him to leave, something along those lines, but, instead, I smiled. It was a small one, but I was happy nonetheless. I was just glad to see that he's still alive.

'He's okay.' My heartbeat picks up as he walks towards me, though, it wasn't out of fear. However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all nervous.

'How did he even know where I live?' It was silent for a moment as we stare into each others eyes until the fat feline held in his hand starts to growl and squirm in discomfort. He looks down at him before finally speaking.

"I, uh... found your cat on the balcony." After putting down my box of leftovers on the floor, I breathe out a laugh and reach out to take him from Saros before he can get scratched. I hold him with both arms securely before he settles.

"Thanks, but he's not my cat."

"He's not?" He asks, sounding both surprised and, dare I say, embarrassed. Even his spots glow faintly in a blush. I smile widely and shake my head.

"He belongs to the old lady next door. He likes to come to my apartment sometimes for belly rubs." I scratch between Gerard's ears, making him purr, before setting him down on the floor. When I stand up, I scan his injuries in depth and frown with worry. He definitely got the worst of it.

"Are you okay?" A smile touches his pink lips as he glances down at his broken arm.

"What? This? I've had worse." I didn't doubt that, but, still, I felt bad for being the reason he's so injured. With a lowered head, I walk up to him and surprise the villain by pulling him into a gentle hug that makes his muscles stiff, and I even felt him flinch. I notice he's wearing something hard beneath the clothes, likely a brace for his back. It wouldn't surprise me if he severely messed up his spine. I'm surprised he can even still walk.

"Thank you for saving me. I thought for sure I was going to die." My hands clench to hold the fabric of his black turtleneck that I can't help but notice how soft and thick it is. Must be very warm and cozy. With his uninjured hand he pets my hair with hesitation.

"I promised, didn't I?" I smile wider and let go to wipe my teary eyes.

"Sorry, I just got really emotional all of a sudden." I chuckle softly, which he smiles at before it drops. He takes a step back and sighs softly.

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