Taste in the Undesirable

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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"You have a lot of explaining to do, don't you, Y/N? Your date was with Herald? Seriously? Herald?! Out of any number of idiots to hook up with, you go out with him?!" Y/N, naturally, flinched as soon as he started setting off on her. He had carried her off someplace relatively private, away from any crowds before practically pinning her to the nearest wall in order to keep her put in case she decided to avoid the situation altogether and run off.

Saros doubted she would, and even if she did, he could easily stop her and pull her right back with his abilities, but he would be lying if he said he didn't much care for the position they were in right now. While he was inclined to believe her earlier words about this date being a reluctant dinner, he did feel a tad bit of jealousy, anger and betrayal. I mean, what are the chances of going on a date with that hero? He wanted to get to the bottom of it and now. Lucky for her, he had earlier recognized her feelings towards the hero, or rather, the lack thereof. Otherwise, he might not have acted quite so nice. Leaning a bit closer to her face, he watched as she stiffened up and pressed back into the wall.

"You better get to talking." Y/N gulped but tried to keep her cool, even though he was incredibly close right now which made it really hard to think. Her head hung a bit in shame, for she couldn't blame him for reacting this way. That man is his enemy, after all. If he interpreted this wrong, he might very well kill her. At least, she assumed so. She might've been lucky enough to fall into his good graces, but the fact remains that if she betrays him or if he sees her as a threat to his cause, then he wouldn't hesitate to return to the more monstrous side of himself. She would mean nothing to him anymore. All she could do was be honest and hope for the best.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I should've told you, but I knew you were going to be upset. You have every right to be, don't get me wrong. I know how this must look, but Saros, I promise, I didn't want to be there with him. The whole while, I was so anxious, I wanted to puke." Mustering every scrap of bravery, the woman grabbed onto the front of the villain's coat as she gazed up at him with genuine, apologetic and guilty eyes. The action made him stand up straighter which was intimidating even more, but secretively, she had just made his heart race. Confining his emotions, he holds a firm front as she continued.

"He showed up at my job and wanted to make it up to me for not saving me from Gambren's Tower, and my coworker thought it'd be funny to suggest he buy me dinner. He was being persistent, and I was put on the spot, so I figured I'd get it over with and never have to deal with him again. That's all this was, I swear. Please, don't be mad." Saros was alerted when her fists shook a bit and realized it was out of fear. Did she think he was going to hurt her for this? ... Well, he might've if it were someone else. He would've killed his own men for fraternizing with the enemy in any sense, unless it were for some scheme. Softening his features, the man brought a hand to her wrists and wraps around them delicately to cease her trembling.

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