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Elliot knocks on the door three times, and a minute passes buy. Some footsteps are heard approaching it, while the door automatically slides open. They are greeted by a lady who appears to be about to lose her patience. "Who could possible be knocking on my door, at 1AM in the... morning...". Perplexed, the lady stared into Elliot's eyes. Tears began to run down, and her hands slowly started to reach his face. A sense of huge relieve fell upon her as she embraced him. Yet deep down, watching only him alone knock on her door at a time light this, she knew what really happened. She was happy, but she was also broken. Both Elliot and his mother tightly hugged each other as she came down to her knees. She let out sobs that pierced Elliot's heart, as he got on the floor with her. Of all her sons, only one came home that night. All that Pathfinder and Wraith could do was watch and have a sense of pity for the suffered loss she was having.

Elliot helped her walk inside as he was giving the other two gestures of invitation as well. Both came inside the appartment. Simple kitchen with dining table by it's side. A living room with a sofa, TV, and a window with the view of the distant city and everything else surrounding it. And in between, a door leading to what it seemed her room. Elliot brought her there, and softly said to the rest, "Please... give us, a moment..." as he closed the door. Wraith and Pathfinder slowly made their way to the living room and sat down in the sofa. Pathfinder looked down with a sad face in his monitor. Wraith just sat there besides him, next to the window. As she looked outside, she began to think if she even had a family of her own. Or someone who cared for her. The voice did not respond to that thought either, since it was in deep though as well. Pathfinder, while feeling bad about what happened, he could not help but think about his creator. Maybe it was as sad as Elliot's mother, he thought to himself. But he would never know.

Elliot softly opened the door and closed it behind him. "I-I'm sorry I-", said Elliot but was quickly interrupted. "N-no it's fine" "You don't have to be, friend" Wraith and Pathfinder spoke at the same time. "We are the ones who should be sorry, Elliot" said Pathfinder while standing up and reaching his shoulder. Wraith a stood up and slowly approached them as well, figuring out what exactly could she say in a situation like this. But she was relieved when Elliot said, "Thank you... Both of you," while softly punching Pathfinder in his shoulder as a friendly gesture. He then went to the kitchen and got a kettle from a cabinet at the top. He started heating water with the electric oven, as he prepared mugs on the table. He poured the steaming water in the mugs and placed tea bags as well. "Guys, be at home, and feel free to get anything from the kitchen," said Elliot while giving one mug for Wraith.

"I'll stay with mother tonight. There's blankets under the pillow if you get cold...". Elliot approached the door and turned again, while everybody else started watching each other. "I guess... I'll see you guys tomorrow." "Wait Elliot," Wraith quickly said. "I think I should go. You have so much in your hands right now, I-" "No way," responded Elliot. "You said it was your first time in a city, right? You won't even last 3 minutes without getting lost, guaranteed. And besides, we're a squad now... right?" Wraith sat there, staring at Elliot speak. "Listen, I-I-m ok. I just need, time... tomorrow morning we'll move out of here and see if we get recruited for the games... that way, Path can help you out with, whatever it is that you're looking for, while I get the kills... Deal?" Pathfinder and Wraith looked at each other, then Pathfinder said, "Sounds like a plan to me, friends...". Elliot nodded, went inside the door and slowly closed it, while tears were running down his cheeks. Wraith sat on the sofa to look outside the window, while sipping from her mug.

"Don't worry friend," said Pathfinder, "I'll do the best I can to help you on your adventure." Wraith turned and said, "But what about you? I appreciate your help and all, but If there is anything I can do..." "Not to worry. I won't stop searching. Not when I have my friends helping me out!" The voice responded to this and said, "Man. Even though it's just a robot, there's something about it...". "Yeah, I get what you mean," Wraith murmured. "Wraith, I hope you don't mind me asking," Pathfinder said. "Since you let us out of the prison back in the I.M.C. station, I've couldn't help but notice you talking to yourself frequently. It's just out of curiosity, but is it one of your powers?" "I-I..." "Oh, maybe you are lonely. I understand. But don't worry" "N-no, it's..." "If you ever want to talk, I am here for you." "N-no it's not that I..." There was silence for a second. "Just tell him," said the voice. A expression of surprise appeared on Wraith's face.

Apex Legends: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now